Chapter twelve: Lunch

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I closed the front door, trying to be a quiet as possible. Not making any sounds. I leaned against the door with my back and a smile crept on my face. All I did was standing there for a while, smiling like a complete idiot. Lucas and I sat there for almost two hours. I looked at my phone, it's almost seven am. I'm really glad that we could talk things out. 

I still had my pajamas on, I just took off the black hoodie. Then I got in bed. My body was so tired. But my mind was somewhere else. I'll sleep for a few hours, otherwise I'm a mess at lunch later. So that's what I did. I slept for a couple of hours and woke up around eleven. I got out of my bed, checking my phone. I've missed a call from Taeyong. He called me an hour ago but I was fast asleep back then. Besides I turned my phone to silent mode. I dialed his number and called him back.

Taeyong: "Hey Y/N. How are you? Did you manage to sleep a bit?"

You: "Lucas came by shortly after you brought me back home. We talked things out."

Taeyong: "I know. He called us all this morning, apologizing for what happened. I'm glad that you've made it up."

You: "Me too..."

Taeyong: "I'm picking you up in an hour okay?"

You: "That's good, I'm getting ready now. I'll see you soon."

Taeyong: "I'll text you when I'm there, see you in an hour."

The call ended and I placed my phone back on the night stand again. I walked over to the bathroom and did my morning routine. After doing my hair and make-up I picked out my outfit. 

I was fully done after twenty minutes. I took my phone, wallet and some other stuff I needed and placed it in my purse. I looked around in my room for the last time, checking if I didn't forgot anything. After that I left my room. 

I made my way to the hallway. I still have some time before Taeyong is here. My throat was a bit dry so I decided to drink some water in the kitchen. The kitchen was empty when I entered it. For some reason I felt glad about that. Where is mom? It's Saturday... She can't be working right? Why am I fooling myself, of course she is working. She always is. I took a glass out of the cupboard and filled it with some water. I took a few sips while thinking about yesterday. 

Namjoon: "Hey, you're up..."

That sudden voice scared the crap out of me. My glass almost slipped out of my hands but I managed to catch it in time before it could fell on the ground. All the water spilled on the floor though. My back was facing the door so I didn't noticed that someone had entered the room. 

Namjoon: "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to scare you! Are you all right?"

You: "I'm fine... I just didn't hear you..."

I placed my glass on the counter and took something to clean the water on the floor. 

Namjoon: "Let me help you."

You: "It's fine, it's just some water."

I didn't spill a lot since my glass was almost empty. I got back up when I was done cleaning the floor. 

Namjoon: "If it would happen again, don't try to grab the glass. The glass could break in your hands."

I just nodded to what he said since I didn't know what to reply. Is he really worried about me or is he trying to apologize for what happened yesterday?

Namjoon: "Are you going somewhere? You look very pretty so I guess you've planned something for the day."

I don't know if I'm mad about yesterday. I was mad when it just happened. But it all faded away after Lucas and I got the chance to talk. I can't tell what I feel right now. Maybe I'm a little disappointed that they broke our promise.  

BTS FF 7 stepbrothers in my lifeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon