fever ; simon kalivoda

937 19 5

"i'm home!!" you announced upon entering your two bedroom, you resided in with your fiancé

all of the bags you brought along with you to work met the floor, as well as your boots. if you spent another minute in them, you'd die

"babe?" your call was met with silence. the apartment looked so clean as it normally was, simon was a neat freak.

"did someone kidnap y-" your question was cut off, as he entered the living room.
"hey princess!"

as you looked at him, you could tell something was obviously wrong. "not greeting the love of your life when she comes home from work anymore?" simon closed the gap between you two, and wrapped his arms around your small figure.

"that's not the case at all, i was on the balcony" he smiled. you squinted your eyes suspiciously at him, "on the balcony doing what? a twenty minute hit workout?" his face was flushed, the small hairs on his face were wet, and his breaths were rather quicker than normal

"no ma'am" he chuckled. you both stood there in silence. you with your hands on your hips, staring back at him, "what's wrong?" you broke the silence.  "nothing, i'm fine babe" your foot began tapping against the cold tiles, his eyes blinking back at you slowly

"baby, you look like you're about to faint" before he could assure you that he was fine, simon covered his mouth with his palm and sprinted to your bedroom. when you reached him again, he was bent over the toilet.

"i knew you weren't fine!" your knees collapsed onto the bathroom floors, and your free hand circled around his back soothingly as he threw up. ten minutes had past, and you're still sitting in the bathroom. "have you been sick like this all day?" he flushed the toilet and washed his hands, as you followed him over to the sink. his head duck under the tap, rinsing his mouth

"i'm not sick, y/n" simon stated, the water stopped running. "i'll go wash the dishes"

he turned to leave, but you grabbed his arm and lead him to lay down onto the soft, four poster bed. "just relax, okay?"you asked him softly

after grabbing everything you needed for the night, you sat next to him. once pillows were placed comfortably under his head, you grabbed the thermometer.  "open your mouth" he reluctantly obeyed, knowing fighting wouldn't get him feeling better anytime soon.

"just what i thought" you turned the small device towards him, his eyes travelling all over the numbers glowing in yellow, "you have a fever." you tossed the item aside, dipping a wash cloth on his forehead. simon sighed in relief, "let me take care of you for a change," after making him drink some water, and a large spoonful of medicine

"can you please tell me where you're not feeling the best? you always try to do everything by yourself. i'm here to help, i will always be" your hand met the side of his face, caressing his cheek.

"okay princess, i'm sorry" his lips met your forehead, as the wind blew threw the open window, with familiar noises of the lively city outside

word count: 579 words !!

a/n: oh my gosh. i've been caught up with work, kind of forgetting to update :( but i will try and update a lot more now. hope you guys enjoyed this cute one ;) please vote, thank you guys <33

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