"I can't believe we actually got kicked out like that!" Nya said, gasping for air as she looked at him trying to do the same.

He nodded before being able to answer. "I mean, we did deserve it." Jay then lost it again.

Nya leaned her head back at her seat, looking up, sighing. "That was amazing." She said, looking at him.

Then Jay did the same gesture, crossing his arms lazily in front of his lower stomach and turning his head towards hers. He leaned forward to her and reached his hand out to pull a piece of popcorn out of her hair, letting the window roll down just a little bit to throw it out of the car.

"You ready to tell my brother about us?" She asked, hoping for a positive answer.

"Will he rip my head off?" Jay asked, putting the car keys into the slot and twisting them, starting up the engine.

"Probably." She answered, grabbing the black cord to put on her seatbelt. "If you harm me in any way, then yes." She said as if it was the most normal thing in the world.

The teacher pulled out of the parking area and got on the road, stopping at a red light immediately. He took her hand in his, flashing her a bright smile. "Then I have nothing to worry about." Just then, he focused back on the road once it was green again, however still holding her hand.

She smiled at his answer, feeling a warm feeling inside.

He pulled up in front of the Smiths' house and parked his Porsche just where he had parked it early in the morning.

Just as he got out of the car and put the keys into his pocket, he felt his heart pounding faster. Adrenaline coursed through his veins as he imagined how the talk with his new girlfriend's brother might end like and honestly, he just wanted to back out again. It was when Nya walked around the car and held his hand, leading him across the street. They walked up the porch and he watched her pull out her keys, ready to open the door.

'There's no going back now.' He told himself, watching his girlfriend stick the right key into the slot and turning it a few times. Hearing a small click, she opened the door slowly.

He gulped.

There really was no going back at that point.

"Kai, we're back!" Nya yelled, tossing her keys into the little bowl right next to the front door. After taking off her shoes, and Jay doing the same, she made her way over to the dining table to see her brother sitting at the table with a bowl of ice cream in his hands, scrolling through his phone.

He looked up, smiling at the sight of her being back before curfew. "Hey. How was it?" He put his phone down, giving his sister his full attention.

"It was pretty good, but let's have dinner now, okay? We're starving!" She exaggerated a little, hoping for the conversation to happen a little bit after and not right now.

Kai raised an eyebrow. "We?"

"Yeah, we- Jay?" Nya turned around to not see him anywhere. "Where'd he go?" She asked herself, walking back in the direction she came from.

Around halfway through the corridor, she could see him standing in his tracks, looking at his fingers while playing with them. She walked up to him, stopping in front of him.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

Jay's head jolted up. "N-Nothing. Let's go." He said, walking ahead.

Nya held him back on his sleeve, making him turn back towards her. She raised an eyebrow, waiting for him to start. Jay stared back at her, not wanting to open up, however her stare and the silence were against it.

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