His eyes widened a little and he nodded his head frantically, "Of course, sir."

"When you're ready to order, just ring the bell. Meanwhile, I'll send someone to take your order for drinks." He added pointing towards the small electric bell attached to the table.

"Alright, thanks." I thanked him and he left.

I turned around to find Eirene staring at me with her head tilted to the left so I raised a brow in question.

"You-How did you know?" She questioned in confusion while pointing her thumb in the direction of the table.

I walked over to the table and dragged a chair out of her, "Come, sit."

She obeyed, quietly, and I took my seat straight across from hers before I answered her previously asked question, "Angelo told me."

"It's beautiful, thank you." She said and I watched as a smile slowly spread across her red lips.

"Don't thank me, yet." I said and winked at her.

Her cheeks tinted pink and she bit her lip before looking at the calm view in front of us.

A waiter, dressed in a black uniform, shortly arrived and I told him to bring Dom Perígnon Rosé Vintage before he left.

I turned to Eirene and she immediately looked down, avoiding eye contact, which made me bite back a smirk.

"Tell me something I don't know." I stated.

Her eyes snapped up to mine, "What?" She whisper asked.

"Tell me something about yourself." I questioned, leaning back in my seat.

"I don't know? You can ask anything." She replied and rolled her bottom lip in her mouth.

My eyes followed that small yet extraordinary movement and I briefly glanced to the side before looking back at her, "Fair enough. What was your favorite thing to do as a child?" I asked the easiest question.

"Cooking." She responded almost instantly.

I raised a brow, "You can cook? Is that why you own that restaurant?"

She nodded her head, "I can. And Angelo gifted me that restaurant on my twenty-first birthday. I mean, he, uh, gifted me the property. I just transformed that into a restaurant."

The waiter came again and brought our champagne before he poured it in our glasses and placed the bottle back in the wine cooler.

We both thanked him before he left and I, once again, brought my attention back to Eirene who was swiveling the liquid inside the glass.

"Did you enjoy designing it?" I asked and she nodded her head with a small smile.

"And what about the chefs? Did you hire them yourself?" I inquired and took a sip of the sweet beverage.

Her eyes lit up and she placed her glass on the table before answering, "Yes, I did. They're all from the shelter homes."

That piqued my interest and I leaned forward a little, watching as her eyes widened for a second and she looked down for a moment as if she was not supposed to say that.

"Shelter homes? How do you know them?" I questioned.

"I-I, uh, I used to visit them a lot. When I was a teenager, I often went there for monthly donations so I made a few friends. And I offered them jobs once I got the restaurant." She answered.

Something about her answer did not sit right with me but on the other hand, I was proud of my woman so I let it slide for the time being.

"Let's order something, we've got all night to talk about you." I said and she blushed before nodding her head.

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