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Emery's POV
Today I woke up earlier than usual, I got in the shower got dressed, packed Oakley's diaper bag and then made breakfast for everybody, while I was making breakfast Oakley woke up and I put on mickey mouse for her. I went back to making breakfast and as soon as I finished making breakfast everybody woke up. "Good morning Emery" Jonah said grabbing a cup of coffee. "Morning jo" I said greeting him back. "Morning baby" Zach said kissing me. "Morning babe" I said kissing him back. Once everybody came to the kitchen we all ate breakfast and then we headed to the aquarium.

We had to take a two hour boat ride to get to the aquarium. The boat ride was really nice, I enjoyed it and so did Oakley. "Wow this place is really amazing" I said as we entered the aquarium. "Mama lewk" Oakley said pointing at the fish. "So much fish baby" I said to her. We kept walking around looking at the sea creatures until it was lunch and we decided to head outside and eat lunch. While we ate lunch I was approached by some lady. "Your sister is really adorable" a lady said looking at Oakley giggling. "Oh this is my daughter not my sister" I say laughing. "You look so young for a mom" she says in shock. "I get that a lot" I say bouncing Oakley up and down on my legs. "Hey baby are you okay" Zach asked me worriedly. "Yeah it's just people keep saying I look too young to be a mom" I said laughing. We finished eating lunch and then continued to walk around the aquarium for awhile and then we left.

We got on the boat and waited for it to leave. "Mama seep" Oakley said motioning for me to pick her up. "Oh my baby is tired" I say giving her a bottle. "Wow this place is really beautiful" Zach said looking at the view of the ocean."I love it here" I say smiling. We finally arrived at the beach house. "Hey guys how was the aquarium" myta asks us as we enter the house. "It was so nice" I say happily. "Awesome" Zach says hugging his mom.

I walk upstairs and put Oakley down on the bed and take a shower because I feel all sticky. Once I'm in the shower I let the water just run on me, I feel arms snake around me and turn to see Zach. "Zach you scared me" I said hitting his arm. "I'm sorry" he said kissing me. "Its okay" I say kissing him back. "Look how big you are" Zach said rubbing my belly. "Yeah I can't believe how big I got" I say smiling. We shower finish and then head downstairs.

"Smells good in here" I say walking into the kitchen. "Thanks" my mom and myta said at the same time. I grabbed a bottle of water and headed to the lounge. As I was about to sit down on the couch I felt a sharp pain on the side of my stomach. "Ouch" I said dropping the bottle and grabbing my stomach. "Baby are you okay" Zach asked concerned. "No, I just felt a sharp pain on the side of my stomach" I say still clutching onto my stomach. "Lets get you to sit down" Zach said helping me sit down. "Wow I've never felt this before with Oakley" I say rubbing my belly. "I can't wait to meet this little girl" Zach says kissing my stomach. "Oh did you feel that she kicked" I say smiling .

Hey guys sorry for the slow updates and for the weird ending. I hope you guys enjoy reading this chapter. I love you guys <3

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