Broken Toys (Part 8) | "Bang."

Start from the beginning

Dorian stepped back from the cell, letting Lilly walk up to Clementine.

Violet: Shit.

Y/n: Get away from her!

Minnie walked up to the cells too, hitting our door, harshly, with her crossbow. Then she pointed it at Clementine.

Lilly: Where’s Abel?

AJ: He’s dead. We killed him. Y/n put a knife in his head.

The woman turned around, glaring at me and AJ.

Lilly: Fuck. You little bitch…

She slammed her foot into our cell door.

Lilly: Damn it!

Clementine: We showed him mercy. He was terrified of turning. So she stopped him from having to. We gave him what he wanted.

Lilly: I’m sure you did.

She then took out a pistol, pointing it at Clementine.

Lilly: Back up.

As Clementine did, I watched her quickly kick the shiv under the bed and I internally praised her quick thinking.

Lilly: Minerva. Open the door.

Minerva: Yes, ma’am.

She did as she was told and opened the door, letting Lilly enter the cell.

Lilly: Normally, the trouble you cause, I’d shoot you and toss you overboard. But I’m genuinely impressed. First you organise these idiot kids into a fighting force, and kill two of my most experienced soldiers. Then you sneak onto my boat under the cover of a herd? I bring a prize like you back to the Delta, it might make this whole clusterfuck of a mission worth it. Someone like you, so young, with so much potential… You’re far too valuable to kill.

Clementine: I’m not your ‘prize’. You’re crazy if you think I’d ever fight for you.

Lilly: Everyone talks like that when they first join. You’ll come around.

Minnie entered the cell, following after Lilly, who sat on the bed.

Lilly: You know, my father, Larry, was a military man, and when I was a kid, he had all kinds of rules. The thing that bugged him most was waste. If I ever left a light on after leaving a room, he’d flip. No matter how many times he ranted about the cost of electricity. I could never remember to hit that switch.

Clementine: So?

Lilly: So one day he let our power get cut. He liked ‘illustrations’. To show the actions have consequences. No more TV. No more hair dryer. No more ice cream sandwiches. Just a miserable family sitting in the dark.

Clementine: Well, I guess asshole runs in the family. Is that the consequence? That you’re an asshole?

Lilly: The consequence is: I never left the lights on again. My father had his faults, but he showed me the effectiveness of teaching by example.

Clementine: Oh, is that what this is? A lesson?

She took a step forward, but Minerva raised her crossbow, aiming it at her. Lilly stopped her, raising her hand to tell her not to shoot. Then she gestures to Clementine with her gun, and Clem moves to stand in front of her.

Lilly: I want to tell you a story. Let’s call it ‘The Parable of the Twins’. Two girls were taken from their home, and brought to a new place to live. They had to leave their friends and family behind, and that was hard at first. They shed a lot of tears. But the new place was a good place. The people there grew corn and raised pigs, and the twins ate well for the first time in years. They had hot showers. Clean clothes. Beds. They were given guns and trained to use them. The people there were kind to these girls. All that was asked in return was that they help defend the group. You see, this place had a lot of enemies, killers and thieves, who wanted what they had. They needed help fighting, or they’d lose everything they built. Their crops, their power, even their lives.

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