10 Sciles (3)

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It was one of Scott's first full moons. Him and Stiles were at his house, after having just gotten the run down on anchors by Derek. The two of them sat down in Scotts room, waiting for the full moon to kick in. Scott was worried that he'd hurt Stiles if he stayed with him, but he knew he wouldn't be able to make him leave. They sat in uncomfortable silence for another few minutes. The still air was broken by Scott, as he shifted into his partial wolf state. He covered his ears to let himself focus on his transformation and controlling it, and not Stiles' panicked and worried questions.

Scott's hands turned into claws; his finger nails grew to a sharp point. His teeth sharpened and grew longer. His vision was becoming heat based, and became red and white. His mind began to cloud with an overwhelming urge to kill. Kill anything. Even a human. But there he was again, thinking about Stiles. He needed him to get to safety. He needed to make sure he didn't kill or turn him. That's all that mattered.

"Stiles, please leave!" Scott shouted, beginning to thrash uncontrollably, and loose his inner voice. He couldn't even think.

"I'm helping you whether you like it or not Scott!" Stiles proclaimed, "Just stop being such a hypocrite for once."

Scott started to lash his anger out on objects to distract himself from attacking Stiles. He broke a figure he had on his desk, a glass liquid thermometer, he turned over his desk chair, and he threw his computer keyboard off of his desk.

"Scott calm down! Remember what Derek told us. Find your anchor. What is important to you? You're mom?" Stiles asked, starting to get scared of Scott's rage fit.

Then it clicked into Scott's brain. An anchor. It could be anything. Just something he could hold onto and could confide in when he needed to. The first thing that came to his mind was Stiles, but him being here wasn't enough. He needed something else from him, something that he could focus on more than the full moon. But what was that?

Scott lunged at Stiles from across the room. He pressed their lips together as he tackled him to the floor.
Stiles was surprised at this. He didn't know Scott felt this way. He never considered having feelings for his best friend, but he'd endure this if it meant helping him.

Scott pulled a few inches back to breathe. Stiles took this time as well to collect his thoughts. He was really doing this? Making out with his best friend? He had always thought he was bisexual, and I guess this pretty much solidified it. But he didn't really have eyes for Scott. Did he? Stiles thought a little harder, Scott now going back into their kiss. Stiles was in the middle of a breath so their tongues met in Stiles mouth. He wasn't even going to try and fight for dominance, or who's mouth they'd invade, so he submitted, completely and fully submitted.
As his tongue was pushed against Scott's while the werewolf sloppily licked at his lips, Stiles began to think again. He wasn't focused on the kiss, he figured if he didn't like it, he should just ignore it. But he began to flicker from having no attentiveness, to being completely enveloped in their kiss. Then it came to him. Had he been confusing his feelings for Scott with Lydia? It kinda made sense off of the top of his head. You know, the seconds he saw Lydia he immediately was infatuated with her? I mean he was in third grade and dragged his crush all the way through high school. He even still liked her when she blatantly ignored him and seemed to be incredibly in love with Jackson, his own bully. And when she seemed to like Scott for a while, he got jealous. He just thought it was because his best friend was getting his dream girl, but maybe it was because someone was trying to get with his best friend. And of course Stiles considered this early on, but blamed it on his protectiveness over his friend and not wanting to loose his company to a pretty girl. I mean, what gave Stiles the idea that he'd end up with Lydia? The smart, pretty, athletic, kind, teenager that didn't even know his name. But Scott was just like Lydia. Smart, pretty, athletic, and kind, but he did know his name. He knew his name so much that he knew his real name. He's known his name for so long, that he knew about his mom, his dad, how he'd do anything to keep his Jeep alive, the story about that one time he passed out after sucking in too much helium from a balloon after his dads birthday party when he was ten, how he's always been scared of dolls and snakes, how he's had his appendix removed, and how much he won't let go of the one picture he has of him and his mom next to a Star Wars stormtrooper while at his first comic con. Even after he broke the frame two times and tore the corner of the picture off while trying to tear it in half when he was upset about her death.

Scott was there, while Lydia wasn't, ever. He never loved Lydia. He loved Scott. He knew just as much intricate details about Scott as he did Lydia. Scott's hair was actually a mix of Cinnamon and Gingerbread brown, with a few patches in different places matching both colors. And how he still remembers Scott's color and pattern of his braces from five years ago. Each bracket was a different color, and no color repeated on the bottom line. Honestly it looked pretty ugly, but when you're twelve it's pretty fucking cool.

Having figured out his feelings towards his best friend, Stiles relaxed with their kiss. It had only been about thirty seconds, so Scott's wolf features hadn't entirely gone down, if they were disappearing at all. So when Stiles and Scott were mixing their tongues together, Scott accidentally bit Stiles tongue. Stiles whined, but thought nothing of it. However, this event made Scott realize that he was calming down, emotionally at least. He still may be wolfed out, but he was calm. Scott balled Stiles' upper shirt in his fist. It exposed his lower stomach, and the litter of freckles and moles on his skin. He may have been creating holes in the fabric with his claws, but neither of them seemed to care.
Stiles put his arm around the back of Scott's neck. Scott was surprised by this. He wanted this now. If he didn't earlier, then he does now. This was a mutual feeling. That's what made Scott visibly change from his partial wolf form to his full human one. Knowing that he wasn't forcing Stiles into something that he didn't want, made him happy, especially given the context of the situation.

Scott wanted more. And he figured Stiles would to. He took his other hand, the one not gripping his shirt, and ran it down to the exposed skin on his stomach.
Stiles was surprised and broke apart their kiss.

"No Scott. Not that."

"Oh, I'm sorry." Scott breathed out, a little shame and embarrassment leaking into his voice, but mainly exhaustion from his shift a few minutes earlier.

"We can still kiss though." Stiles fluffed up Scott's hair by petting it affectionately.

"Ok." Scott smiled shyly.


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