8 Sterek (4)

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⚠️-Trigger Warning-⚠️
‼️-Nightmares/Panic Attacks-‼️

Derek was surprised to hear his phone ring at a time like this. Even more so, to see the Sheriffs caller ID. He only had the number in his contacts for Stiles sake, and it was rarely used by either end.
He picked up the phone, assuming he was going to be accused of another crime, as that's all Noah seemed to like to talk about with him.


"Yeah, Derek?" The Sheriff asked, a little quite for someone who was going to accuse him of a crime.

"Why'd you call?" Derek replied.

"Well, I'm working a late night tonight, and I probably won't be home until the next day."

"Ok? What does this have to do with me?" Derek asked, picking his teeth with his fingernail, clearly uninterested.

"Stiles has been having these nightmares. They're so bad that he screams himself awake, and needs to be physically retained to calm down." Noah said reluctantly. He was a little stressed after dealing with these events night after night.

Derek was silent. He cared for Stiles, so hearing that he was having these troubles hurt him. Especially since Stiles hadn't told him about this. But he still didn't know why the Sheriff was telling him about this. He was not very fond of his relationship with his son. He didn't want Derek to have any knowledge of Stiles in anyway.
"Why do you need me?" He asked.

"I can't be with him tonight to watch over him, so I was hoping that you'd be able to." Noah was hesitant to asked, but he needed Stiles to be ok without him home. "If you can't then that's fine. I'm sure I can asked Scott. But I know you and him are close, so he might be more comfortable around you."

"Yeah, ok. I'll be over in a couple minutes." Derek replied. He was now at full attention.

"And please use the door." Noah whined, hanging up.

Derek pulled the phone from his ear and stuffed it into his back pocket. He didn't know Noah knew about him sneaking into Stiles' window, so he was a little taken aback by that comment.
He walked out of his loft while throwing his leather jacket over his shoulders. He jumped into his black Camaro and made his way over to Stiles' house.

Once he got there, he knocked on the front door after parking his car on the side of the street.
"Stiles it's me." Derek yelled.

A couple seconds later, he heard footsteps stomping down the stairs, and then the door creaked open slowly.
The first thing Derek noticed were the heavy bags under Stiles' eyes and his messy, unkept hair.
Derek walked inside after Stiles moved aside from the door.

"What are you doing here?" Stiles asked, inviting him inside. He began to walk back upstairs.

"I was bored and was driving by." Derek replied. He didn't want Stiles' to know he was over because his father sent him to watch over him. Their was a reason he didn't tell him about the nightmares in the first place. And he figured he should respect those reasons.

"Well, I'm not doing anything very exciting." Stiles smiled lazily, looking behind his shoulder to see if Derek was following him up the stairs. He was. "I'm just doing homework and research."

"It's better to do nothing was someone then nothing by yourself." Derek shrugged.

They made it into Stiles' room, that was a little clutter here and there. That was also a little unusual because Stiles always had his room clean of everything. His desk was scattered with papers, and his cork board was littered with small drawings and pictures with notes that somehow correlated to each other. His laptop was on its full brightness, another unusual thing, and it had dozens of tabs open with the main page being tangled in subpages that overlapped.

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