6 Sterek (3)

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(Stiles is seventeen, and Derek is 23. And this is obviously an AU.)
⚠️-Trigger Warning-⚠️
‼️-Mentions of suicide-‼️

Stiles ran into his room, quick to get to his computer. He sat in his chair without closing the door.
His dad called for him. He was a little annoyed, but he stood up and turned to exit his room. Stiles was shocked to see Derek standing next to his door.


The werewolf softly gestured for Stiles to get his dad away from them, so he wouldn't hear what they were about to discuss.
Stiles scurried to his room door, and closed himself between the frame and the door, so his dad couldn't see inside the room.
When he met his dad in the hallway, he said he was leaving for work, and that he didn't want him leaving the house today, because it was a full moon, and he didn't want him to get hurt by werewolves.
Stiles agreed, and promised that he wouldn't go anywhere tonight, and said goodbye to his dad.

As his dad walked away, Stiles reentered his room, he closed his door quietly and stood in front of Derek.

"You know, Derek, you really need to stop doing that."
Stiles really couldn't take anymore jump scares like that.

"I wanted to make sure you were going to be ok, because of the full moon." Derek leaned against the wall next to the door frame.

"No one's coming after me Der. Calm down."
Stiles had a smirk on his face. His dad and Derek had a surprising amount of things in common.

"I was just taking precautions. Some disgruntled werewolves maybe come after you in spite of the full moon."
Derek tried to defend himself. He was just a little worried. The last time he was left alone on a full moon, he was attacked in his home.

"So are you gonna stay the night then?"
Stiles was hoping for a yes, but wouldn't be upset with a no. Whether Derek watched him from his desk chair, waited outside his house, or slept with him in his bed, it was all fine to him.

"If that's alright with you."
Derek didn't want to invade on Stiles' privacy if he didn't want him to.

"Sure. Let me get changed before we head to bed."

Derek had noticed how Stiles phrased that. They had slept in the same bed before, but never Stiles' bed.

Stiles walked over to his dresser and pulled his shirt off over his head. He had his back turned to Derek as he faced his dresser. He looked Stiles back up and down, connecting the imaginary dots from each of his moles and freckles. But he noticed that at the base of Stiles' lower back there was a small black shape. Derek filled with anger. He left his perch against the wall, and walked over to Stiles.

"Stiles! Is that a tattoo?! You're barely seventeen!" Derek called out. He grabbed Stiles' left hand and kept him from turning around.

"What?" Stiles was confused. He didn't understand the question. It was so sudden and loud, that he didn't register it.

"That right there." Derek said more quietly. He was still upset, but he knew his anger was putting off Stiles' concentration. He poked the tattoo at the lower back of Stiles. His cold fingers sent a small shiver up his spine.

"I got that a couple years ago." Stiles confessed.

"Illegally?" Derek asked. If a couple years ago meant fifteen or fourteen, that was obviously illegal. Usually Derek wouldn't care at all about things like this. He's done his fair share crimes, so scolding someone about an illegal tattoo seemed hypocritical.

Stiles didn't have to explain himself to Derek. So what if he got a tattoo when he was fifteen. No one knew about it until now. Not even Scott.

Stiles And Stiles Ship One ShotsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant