4 No Ship/Plug In (2)

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(Pack Mom AU. (Everyone is between 18 and 26.))

Ever since Stiles got roped into the supernatural world, and the pack, everyone has been better. Pack meetings are usually civil, and anytime they do get into fights, Stiles settles it. Whenever he could, Stiles would be at the loft, doing research to take it off somebody else's shoulders, doing laundry, the dishes, and generally cleaning. If you had a problem, you'd go to Stiles and he'd do his best to fix it.
Boyd, Erica, Allison, Lydia, Scott, Isaac, and Jackson all saw Stiles as a mother to them. Derek didn't understand the hype.
Boyd would need help with killing insects, and Stiles would give an alternative solution, because he also didn't want to deal with spiders and moths.
Erica would lose her things, like clothes and her phone. Stiles kept tabs on things he's seen around the loft, and he knew where Erica kept things more than she did.
Stiles was also protective with Allison and Lydia, always making sure that when they went out that they'd bring protection, like pepper spray or knifes. The girls could certainly take care of themselves, but it was just precaution.
Scott would ask Stiles about his homework, the same homework that he was assigned. Stiles would sit down with him and help him study regularly.
Isaac saw Stiles as a father figure and a mother figure. He would feel happy to show Stiles any type of grade he received, not having to worry about getting punished for a less than great one. Isaac would even get small rewards for A's, like brownies, cookies, and candies.
Derek was always sour about the packs relationship with Stiles. It wasn't necessarily jealousy, but irritation. Stiles was taking more care of the pack than he was. He was the leader, the alpha, the pack should be coming to him with their problems, not Stiles. He had to say he was appreciative that Stiles did the cleaning, he was like the mom of the pack, even if Derek didn't like to admit it. The pack still came to him with their murderous problems, not their mundane ones.

Stiles was exhausted. He hadn't slept in almost two days, mainly from nightmares and late nights. He had just finished taking care of everyone and the loft chores, and now he had to do a mountain of school work that he'd been putting off.
He sat down at the table in the main room and spread out his assignments. He decided to start with math, his least favorite subject.
Stiles doses off right at the tail end of the assignment.

The pack walked in on a sleeping Stiles, and went over to him.

"He's been working hard lately. Why don't we give something back to him?" Allison asked, giving the others some ideas.

Derek picked Stiles up gently and carried him towards his bedroom.
"Let's let him sleep in for a while." He suggested.
Everyone else agreed.

After Stiles was put to rest in Dereks bedroom, they plotted in the main room.
First they organized his homework, stacking it orderly on the side of the table.

"Does anyone know his favorite movie?" Boyd asked.

"He goes on about an old movie called Stargate. He has a figure of one of the characters." Scott replied.

"A movie night seems like a nice treat. Doesn't it?" Isaac smiled.

No one actually knew what this Stargate movie was about, but it was probably something nerdy.

About five hours later, Boyd peeked into the bedroom Stiles was sleeping in. He woke him him gently.
"Are you hungry?" He asked.

"Huh?" Stiles was a little disoriented, "Um, yeah actually. I can make something for you if you want." Stiles regained his composure, and stood up from the bed.

"Nah, I'll make something, anything you want." Boyd assured, leading Stiles out of the bedroom.

"That's nice of you." Stiles smiled. He was stopped dead in his tracks when he saw lights strung up into the rafters, making the main room glow softly, it made him want to go to sleep again. "What is this?" He asked.

"We're throwing you a movie night." Lydia cheered from the couch. "We got you an old timey movie too." She smiled.

"Stargate?" Stiles asked, getting a little excited.

"Yep." Lydia confirmed.

Stiles threw himself into the center of the couch and surrounded himself in his pack mates. He may not be supernatural, or a hunter but he was part of this pack, human or not.
"Man, I love you guys." Stiles was about ready to cry.

"You still haven't told me what you want to eat, Mama." Boyd reminded.

Stiles chuckled at the sudden nickname. "Order a pizza and come sit with us Boyd." Stiles pleaded.

Boyd did as he was told, and joined everyone in the living room.
Stiles sat in the middle of everyone, with Scott and Allison on his sides. Next to Scott was Erica, and next to Allison was Lydia. Isaac was sitting on the floor, next to Stiles feet, leaning against the boys legs. Derek was standing behind the couch, his elbows on the backboard.

"What's this movie about anyway, Stiles?" Scott asked, pulling a blanket over the two of them. The rest of them grabbed blankets as well.

"It's about a professor in modern day Egypt, who needs to find the code to an interstellar gateway to an Egypt-like universe." Stiles was excited to watch this movie. He had seen it a million times, but it never got boring.

"You're such a nerd." Lydia teased.

"Hey, leave him alone." Derek playfully demanded, a smile on his face.

Stiles leaned his shoulder on Scott's, as Isaac hugged Stiles legs.
"You kids are so sweet."

He needed this break, even if he wouldn't admit it. He might have burned himself to the bone sooner or later, and then he'd try to calm down, but it just meant so much more when it was your kids who put it all together. He was a little embarrassed that they had to take care of him, and that they noticed he wasn't feeling up to things, but that's just what it took for them to notice anything. They are all very stupid children. They might be morons, but they sure do appreciate their mom.


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