2 Sterek (1)

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(This one shot is about Stiles' Nogitsune nightmares, but one of them gets too intense, and he ends up harming himself without knowing. It's a good thing Derek was there. (And Stiles is eighteen, but still in school. I don't care if it's not accurate to the show. It's better to be legal than canon.😃))

Derek had a habit of sneaking into Stiles' bedroom, through his window, and watching him sleep. It was really his fault for always leaving it unlocked.
Stiles actually knew that Derek did this. He had woken up to him coming in, and to him sitting in his desk chair. He's almost had heart attacks because of him. Imagine how scary it would be to wake up, from a nightmare no less, and see a looming figure next to your door. You can't run away, because it's in front of your only exit!
Anyway, Derek was up to his usual pass time. He climbed through Stiles' window, not surprised it was unlocked. But he was surprised to see that his usual chair was already pushed from Stiles' desk to where he usually sat in it. It was a nice gesture. Derek gladly sat down and watched as Stiles tossed and turned. He had started to notice in his last few visits that Stiles was growing increasing fidgety in his sleep. Not just the normal turning over or wiggling every few minutes, but balling his sheets up in his fist and violently turning over every few seconds. He just thought that this reaction was just from dreams he was having, and that he shouldn't bother to wake him up. It was probably nothing.
Derek heard Stiles' heart beat pick up to a concerning speed. His heart was usually slow and quiet, Derek normally found comfort in it, but right now it was ringing in his ears.
He began to pay very close attention to Stiles. After a while, Derek could see Stiles's silhouette reach up to his face area. It was dark in the room, and the only light was from the half moon that shown through the open window. Derek assumed he had woken up and was just scratching his nose or something.
About a minute later, Derek could hear Stiles heart beat slow down. He was definitely awake then. He must be coming down from his nightmare or dream. But another minute later, Derek thought that it was getting too slow. It worried him.

"Stiles?" He asked, hastily standing up from his perch by the door. He took a few steps closer to the bed, getting no response from Stiles.

Derek pulled the chain on the desk lamp on top of Stiles nightstand. When he turned back to the boy, he finally noticed that Stiles hands were around his own throat. He was choking himself.
Derek refrained from yelling out, because that would probably alert the Sheriff. He lunged onto Stiles' bed, and grabbed at his hands. He kept his ears on the boys heart beat, as he pried at his hands.
He got Stiles' left hand way from his neck, keeping it at bay with his own, and tried to move his other. Usually Derek's werewolf strength would overpower Stiles' human strength, but he was having such a hard time pulling his hands away.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Derek yelled in a whisper.

He took his eyes away from Stiles' hands and neck to look at his face for an answer.
That's when he noticed that Stiles was asleep. He was completely out. How was he doing this then?

Derek took a different approach to unlatching Stiles' hands from his neck. Instead of pulling at his fingers, he grabbed the base of his wrist and pulled it upwards.
Finally, Stiles' unforeseen strength disappeared, and his arms went limp as if he was asleep.

Derek sighed, a little shudder hidden behind it. He held both of Stiles' hands in his left, still paranoid that he might latch them back around his neck. With his right hand, Derek examined the bruising around Stiles' throat. It was red, and parts were already turning purple. The marks were in the shape of Stiles' hands; the length of his fingers being seen clearly in his skin.

"What the hell is happening?" Derek whispered to himself, as he turned Stiles's head around slightly to get a better look at the marks.

What if Derek hadn't been there tonight? What if he wasn't paying attention to Stiles' heartbeat as intensely as he was? Everything could've gone down hill tonight.

As Derek pondered everything that had happened, Stiles woke up. He was startled by the figure over him, and attempted to thrash out of their grip.

"Stiles, it's me." Derek said softly, continuing to hold his hands away from his body.

"What are you doing, Derek?" Stiles asked, calming down.

"You were trying to kill yourself." Derek replied, not really wanting to say those words.

"What?! I was asleep!" Stiles defended.

"You were asleep. But you were choking yourself." Derek sighed, feeling that holding Stiles' hands weren't necessary anymore now that he was awake.

"I..." Stiles realized a possible connection, but didn't know if it should be said.

"What?" Derek asked, curiously.

"I mean, I was having a nightmare where I was being choked by this monster..." Stiles felt like an idiot after saying something like that. But he was reassured by Derek's interest in it.

"What did the monster look like?" He asked, letting Stiles sit up on his bed.

"It was wrapped in bandages, and it was a little taller than me." Stiles replied. Describing the monster that had been tormenting him in his dreams made his stomach turn. He felt like he shouldn't be saying this, like he was exposing himself.

Derek pulled Stiles into him, wrapping his arms around his shoulders. Stiles' face rested into Dereks neck and his arms were pinned against him, keeping them from moving.

"Don't do that again." Derek whispered.

Stiles chuckled a little, trying to defused his own worry.
"I can't stop myself from choking myself in my sleep."

"I'll watch you then." Derek pulled away from their hug. "I'll make sure you don't do anything like that again."

"Now you'll actually have a reason to watch me in my sleep." Stiles retorted.

"Shut up." Derek said, exasperated.

Derek doesn't think that the thing making Stiles do that knew he was here. Which meant that it had no window to the outside world. If it was close enough to choke Stiles, it had to have noticed Derek in the room. Stiles said that he was being choked by something in his dream, so how was he doing it to himself in the real world? Maybe this monster was linked to Stiles in some way. Maybe they were connected, or it was able to control him.

At this exact second, those possibilities didn't matter. Stiles was alright. Maybe a little bruised, but alright.


Stiles And Stiles Ship One ShotsUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum