7 Sciles (1)

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⚠️-Slight Trigger Warning-⚠️
‼️-Car Crash-‼️

"Scott, come on. Calm down." Stiles soothed over the phone as he drove down the dark road that cut through the dense forest of Beacon Hills.
He had to go out of town to get his Jeep fixed. It's actually a miracle that he managed to drive it all the way to Canaan with what was wrong with it.

"Just...When are you getting back in town?" Scott asked frantically. He was having a bit of a trouble with studying for a test they both had tomorrow. It was a chemistry test, and Stiles was great at chemistry, but Scott lucked out in that field.

"Chill, I'm on my way back now. I'll be over in like ten minutes." Stiles smiled to himself at Scott's dependence in him. He may be a powerful werewolf, but Stiles was good at chemistry.
"You know, this road is dark as hell." Stiles squinted his eyes to make his vision focus on the dark abyss ahead of his car. His headlights were on and working, but they didn't do much to illuminate the dead night of the forest.

"Are your headlights working?" Scott asked, not thinking a lot of his boyfriends comment. Beacon Hills did get unusually dark at night, but the moon always shined bright. It was sad that it was the night of the new moon, so it was just black outside. Stars didn't even seem to be out.

"Yeah, they are, but they aren't doing much." Stiles adjusted his phone in his right hand while he kept his left on the stirring wheel.

"Well, be careful. I'll see you when you get here, ok?" Scott smiled, happy that he'd get to see his boyfriend today and he'd only be ten minutes.

"Right. Love you, bye." Stiles took his phone from his ear and moved his hand to his lap so he could press the hang up button.
He could hear Scott return the words through the speaker, even though it wasn't up to his ear.
Stiles looked back up from his phone once his finger was aligned with the end call button and he was in the action of pressing it. As he looked up though, his headlights lit up a big animal in the middle of the road. Maybe it was a moose, or a dear.
"Oh, shi-!" and then his finger hit the hang up button.

"Stiles? Stiles?!" Scott was surprised by the sounds he heard before the phone hung up. What Stiles said as he was cut off, and the millisecond of tire screeching he heard before the call ended.
Now worry was sinking in. Did he get into an accident? Did someone attack him? If he was fine, he'd call back. Scott just had to wait for a minute. And that's what he did. A few minutes went by, without even a text from Stiles. Scott had to make sure he was ok. The werewolf knew that Stiles was on the road leading in and out of Beacon Hills, so he ran out of his house and climbed onto his motorcycle.
The ride down the main road was tense and agonizing. Scott didn't know what to expect. He called Stiles' phone three times on his way there and as he rode down the street he last heard from Stiles.
Half way down the road, he saw a car up ahead, it looked turned over.

"Oh no." Scott whispered to himself.
Before his bike even stopped, he jumped off of it and ran to the over turned car. The closer he got he realized it was Stiles' light blue Jeep.
"Stiles!" He called out. He could barely see anything. The only light came from the headlights of Stiles' car that was still running.

The first place Scott checked was the vehicle itself. Luckily, he found Stiles right away. He was slumped over against his stirring wheel, and his seatbelt was around his body, but it hadn't seemed to do anything but keep him from flying out of the windshield. Which was better than if it didn't do anything.

"Stiles! Can you hear me?!" Scott yelled. He was about to grab him out of the car, or at least unbuckle him, until he realized that he may have broken bones and moving him may cause more injuries.

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