You shrugged. Thinking about it, the only time you saw Oikawa was in class. But when break time approached, he was suddenly gone like POOF! Similar to a ghost. Maybe Oikawa Tooru was a ghost all this time and only you could see him-


"I'll ask him tomorrow." Mitsuri and you ended up walking each other home.

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"Hey, Oikawa-" The moment you noticed the boy's head was resting on the desk, you halted your words. You couldn't really see what he was doing, since his head was facing away from you. You just assumed that he was sleeping. So, you sat on the seat beside him, leaning your head on your hand as you stared at the unconscious boy.

The boy had never been so tired before. He was a smart student, and would often provide answers during classes. However, today, you noticed his lack of response. It was like he was barely hanging onto a thread that kept everything together.

Was he okay? Was he sleeping well? Why was he sleeping right now? You never thought the rare sight of Oikawa Tooru sleeping on his desk would bring so much concern towards you. The only thing you wanted to do was to wake him up and ask what was wrong.

After a while, your arm muscles began to wear out from long time usage. Therefore, you followed Oikawa's actions. You crossed your arms together on the desk, acting like a birds nest, and laid your head inside. Oh wow, this position was somewhat comfortable, now you understood why Oikawa fell asleep. You could honestly stay in this position forever if it wasn't for the bell that would ring minutes later.

All of a sudden, he began to stir in his sleep, moving around. You stayed still, observing what would be his next action.

Then, eyes remained shut, his head turned, facing towards you. A side of your heart was tugging you to leave immediately before he noticed your presence. But another side of your heart was telling you to stay.

"Mmh, Iwa-chan is that y-"

Stunned. The both of you were stunned. His closed eyes had finally fluttered open to see the world around him. And the first thing he saw surely did bring multiple flips to his poor heart. But, waking up from a nice rest to this beautiful sight was like a blessing from the heavens above.

Eyes locked onto each other, no one moved, no one spoke a word. It was just plain silence. With you and him, him and you, in the same classroom, without anyone else's presence inside. For some reason, despite the awkward silence, there was a tinge of warmth. It felt comfortable being with Oikawa Tooru.

In your eyes, the sunlight behind him complimented his beauty so much. He looked so beautiful, so ethereal with that heavenly sunlight. It was unreal to you. Now you knew why so many people in your school adored him. Behind that cocky personality, playful attitude, he was Oikawa Tooru. Despite not showing it, he was a person full of kindness, a gentleman, a loving friend.

Who wouldn't adore a boy like that? Who wouldn't?

In his eyes, it was as if he was capturing a pretty picture from his eyes, which resembled the lens of a camera. Only now, the distance that separated the both of you was so little, so close, that he realised how much he had missed out on you. Of course, you had the teeny tiny flaws on your face, but it didn't matter to him. It wasn't important. Beauty existed in everyone, Oikawa believed. As long as their hearts were kind and sweet.

But you. You were exceptionally lovely. It was something that he couldn't describe because it felt so unknown, making him scared. Yet, this feeling that was in the grasp of his fingers was reassuring that he didn't need to be scared.

And so, he didn't let go. Oikawa finally allowed himself to get lost in your entrancing eyes, falling deeper and deeper until he soon lost sense of the world around him-


The said boy blinked his eyes and was pulled back to reality. Then, the memories, the thoughts he had of you from just then hit him like a truck, causing every part of his face to suddenly burn up like a scorching furnace. Holy shit, if it wasn't for you calling out his name then he wouldn't have snapped out from his dreamy daze. 

"Y-Yeah?! Is uh- Is anything wrong?" Oikawa was so flustered that he stumbled over his words, finding it hard to think of his next words.

"Oikawa, have I ever told you how beautiful you truly are?"

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reaching you || oikawa tooru x f!readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora