You shook your head in disapproval, "No, if anything, I should be the one thanking you, Oikawa. You did the entire PowerPoint on your own. Honestly, it was the first time I had such a cooperative partner." You paused, beaming at him, "I'm glad to have a partner like you. Thank you!"

Red dusted itself on his cheeks, showing a rare flustered Oikawa that no one saw before. Taking a deep breath and clenching his fists, he knew that he was probably as red as a tomato, and he hoped you didn't notice it. But you already knew and thought it was adorable that even the confident boy could have such a soft fluffy side to him.

Meanwhile, Oikawa didn't know why. There was something deep in his heart beginning to awaken. He didn't know what it was. He didn't have a single idea.

It felt like he was on cloud nine.

────── ∘°∘♡∘°∘ ──────

"Shittykawa, it's time to wake up from your daydreams!" Iwaizumi's loud booming voice from the other side of the court caused Oikawa to stumble and hit his head on the wall. He whined like a child, "Iwa-chaaaaan! What's up with you shouting at me early in the morning!? Now thanks to you, I've hurt my head!"

The rest of Oikawa's teammates turned their heads towards their annoyed captain. Ahem, that was currently throwing a tantrum. Of course, it was like no other day. They had already gotten used to it.

"Makki, where are the earmuffs?" Matsukawa tapped the shoulder of his friend. It was too early to deal with this shit. He wanted to smack some balls and then run away back to his classroom and sleep in the covers again. The weather was so chilly, so cold, it was perfect for hot chocolate in front of fireplaces.

Hanamaki shrugged, "I guess we just have to deal with his whining for now." With that, he returned to training his spikes. Matsukawa let out an inaudible sigh before following Hanakami. But then, their ears were perked up and lent at the moment they heard what Iwaizumi said. "Are you thinking about that girl again, Shittykawa? You really are a lovesick fool now."







nANI thE fUCk-

Looking at each other, Hanamaki and Matsukawa let out the loudest, most dramatic gasp ever. In an instant, they were already beside Oikawa, arms slung around their captain's shoulder with the widest grin. Finally, some good fucking tea. They thought.

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