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Things have been really weird recently. I constantly feel as though I'm pushing away the most important people in my life. I'm making less and less effort to spend time with Alya and the girls, I am yet to even contemplate mentioning anything about my feelings to Adrien, and I have already began to form resentment towards Alexia.

"Tiki, I'm such a bad friend" I whine, sat on the closed seat of a toilet in the school bathrooms.

"No Marinette, you're just struggling to communicate how you're feeling at the moment. Do you want to talk about it?" Tiki smiles back at me reassuringly.

"I wanted so badly to form a close relationship with Alexia, but I can't allow myself to love her as much as I want to because I'm jealous. I feel like a crap excuse for a super hero right now; aren't we supposed the promote peace and lovey-dovey shit?"  

Tiki stares at me with uncertainty, "What do you have to be jealous about?"

"I guess I'm scared of what her friendship with Adrien could mean - what if he's falling in love with her?"

"And it's probably not helping that she's got Chat Noir wrapped around her finger too, huh?"

"Tiki! You're supposed to be comforting me not dwelling with me"

"You're right, I'm sorry Mari." she straightens up, ready to give the pep-talk of her life. "I don't think Chat Noir will ever stop caring for you... If you think about it you were probably his first love. And as for Adrien-"

"I don't need you to lie to me Tiki" I sigh before she can finish her sentence. 

"Who says I was going to lie to you Marinette?" Tiki narrows her eyes, as though she's desperately trying to suppress the anger she's feeling as she attempts to ignore my rudeness.

"I just don't need yet another person to tell me that one day Adrien will realise what an 'amazing person I am' and all that nonsensical garbage. If everyone had told me from the start that I should be trying to get over him rather than studying him intensely for years on end, maybe it wouldn't hurt like hell to realise we might not end up together". 

"You shouldn't give up hope, Marinette. That's what the best superhero's promote!" 

"Good for them" I say cooly before beginning to weep into my palms, Tiki, wrapping her tiny arms around the back of my hands. 


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I've come about as close to speaking to Alexia about my little 'oopsie' last night as a zebra would dare to get to a lion. Every time I catch a glance of her throughout the school building, she seems to have moved away before I can't take a single step towards her. It's frustrating as hell.

 I'm clearly not over the moon about the predicament I found myself in, in fact, and I'm sure I've mentioned this already, but I'm incredibly confused. I'm still trying to figure out what in the world possessed me to kiss her, and in the process, pretending it has nothing to do with any feelings that may have developed between us. Although, not on her end, that is. 

I'm in love with Ladybug. 

Alexia doesn't even like Adrien - and I'm not even sure she likes Chat Noir, despite the claims she made in class.

I'm not sure what she would have to gain from lying to Marinette, and consequently everyone in a 10 mile radius, about having 'a crush on a certain black cat', but from the little visit I payed to the Dupain-Cheng's house as Chat Noir, I can confidently say that Alexia doesn't show even the slightest slither of love for my alter ego. Which is a good thing.

It's great that she doesn't feel anything romantic for either Adrien or Chat Noir - that makes this whole situation a lot simpler to deal with. It should mean talking to her won't be awkward, and it should mean thinking about her doesn't cause a sort of dull sting behind my chest. 

But it does.

The stinging actually gets more intense the more I wish it to go away, and I've begun to realise that I don't want to apologise for kissing Alexia, I just want her to be sat with me now in the locker room, laughing with me about how we're both utter knobs. 

"A-Adrien?" I look over my shoulder to see Marinette waving sheepishly from the door. "Sorry, is it okay if I grab my stuff quickly"

"Yeah, of course" I put on a bright smile and pull my gaze permanently away from the crack in the tiled floor that I'd been staring at for an unreasonable amount of time. 

Marinette hastily pulls items out of her locker, a few of them hitting the ground with a clank, before she manages to pack them away and heads towards the door to leave. Before reaching it she turns to face me, a frown spread across her face. "Are you okay?"

"I am. I'm just realising that the friendships I have are the most important thing in my life currently and I want to make more of an effort"

"You make plenty of effort" Marinette insists but then reconsiders her words, "Err, what I mean to say is all of your friends adore you, Adrien, and anything more you do to make them happy would be going above and beyond. Y-you don't need to worry about the security of your friendships at all" She smiles a warm smile at me.

"Thank you, Marinette. You are truly an amazing friend"

At this, she lets a brief sigh escape her lips before lifting the corners of her mouth into a smile once again as I open my own to talk.

"Hey, before you leave.."


"I heard that Alexia, Alix and Luka are hanging out later, and I'm assuming that they wouldn't mind if we tagged along"

"I'm not sure I should-"

"Please, Marinette?"


"Great. I'll meet you at yours later"

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