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"Hey, Alexia. I'm going to head inside - I'm getting bored of waiting in line" I quickly blurt out the first thing that comes to mind.

"Convenient that only after someone gets akumatised, you decide to go back to your original plan of skipping the queue and leaving me alone out here" she narrows her eyes at me and sticks her bottom lip out into a pout. "I spy with my little eye... a wimp"

It's killing me, that in her eyes, that's whats happening.

I'm leaving her out here with a soon-to-be villain and potentially putting her in harms way but it wasn't like I could say 'hate to love and leave ya - but I've got to go nip into my skin-tight, leather cat suit and throw hands with this bitch'.

"You truly are a jerk, Agreste" I hear her mutter under her breath as I turn away and begin walking towards the entrance of the Library.

When I'm sure her attention is no longer on me - though I wouldn't be surprised if she was still staring - I round the corner and walk alongside the building until I am completely out of sight. "Plagg?" I whisper, "Get your arse out here".

"Nuh-uh" I hear a sassy reply from within my shirt.

"I'm not doing this with you again, Plagg"

"Adrien, I swear to fuck- if you try to give me another Pumpkin Spice Latte instead of Camembert before battle, I will tear up all your Ladybug photos and throw your PlayStation out of the window"

"Calm it, drama queen. Your cheese is in my bag, but hurry up so I -" before I can even finished my sentence, Plagg has detached his jaw from his face and swallowed the cheese whole.

"Impressive" I nod in acknowledgement and fist bump his little stump of a hand. "Plagg, Claws Out!"

Queue the really unnecessary dance sequence, which no matter how hard I try, I can never avoid. It's like as soon as I say those three words, the spirit of some high-school musical extra possesses me and there's nothing I can do to stop what comes next. Don't even ask me where the music comes from.

 Don't even ask me where the music comes from

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"Hey..." I wave up at the latest victim of Shaddowmoth's mood swings. "Lets kick this off then, shall we?"

The girl looks at me, startled at my approach to the whole 'battle' thing.

She looks young, maybe ten or eleven, and is wearing a blue knife-pleated skirt and white top with a red guitar on it - only mildly different from the clothes she was wearing before she transformed. Although now she clutches a defaced copy of Jagged Stone's album in her hands and is stood on some kind of 20 ft tall stilts. To each their own.

When she doesn't make a move to answer, or bash my face in, I continue... "What's your name and what's made you want to kill our lovely Parisians?" I point to a random passer by and they shuffle away nervously.

"I am Icas, and I intend to make all those who ignored me pay"

"Okay, follow up question - Why the stilts?"

"Chat Noir!" I hear a stern voice call from begin me and my ears perk up in fright.

"Yep?" I turn to face Ladybug innocently.

"Stop asking questions and help me take her down, silly kitty"

She smiles and my heart flutters. Silly kitty. I guess she's not all that mad then. Maybe my humour is growing on her.

Just then, Icas makes a move, knocking people aside with her stilts and draining a sort of 'energy' from them in the process.

I swear... all theses villains do pretty much the same thing and I still have the tiring task of coming up with a different way to describe their powers in my inner monologue every time we fight one of them.

"Chat Noir, you try to figure out where the akuma is hidden and I'll get these Jagged fans out of the way" Ladybug sighs, looking to all the people who have stuck around to watch the fight despite being in the 'danger zone'.

Normally I would follow her orders without question, but this time something has changed.

Alexia's one of those idiots down there.

Without a second thought I run towards the crowd of people still stood outside the Library, picking up the pace as Icas nears where Alexia is looking around for me - Adrien - panicked.

I can here Ladybug yelling at me to stop, but I push forward.

When I reach her I swiftly pick her up in my arms, carrying her bridal style and pulling her closely against my chest. "Hey" I whisper against the top of her head as I carry her through the air, before finally jumping down into an alley way between two buildings not far from where we were. "Adrien is looking for you" I look her dead in the eyes hoping for some indication that she isn't pissed at me for leaving her in the first place.

"Is he okay?" she looks at the ground nervously.

"Yeah, he can handle himself" I laugh a little at the irony. "I'll tell him you're here".

"Thank you, Chat Noir"

I give her a nod, and now content with the fact that she is out of harms way I head back to rejoin the battle.

"The akuma's in the album" I yell to my partner as I turn the corner to see Ladybug's yo-yo strung tightly around Icas' stilt-leg things. "She was just at the Jagged Stone signing and by the sound of things, he overlooked her in the crowd because of her height" I gesture towards the stilts with my claws.

Ladybug looks as if she is struggling to keep Icas under wraps, so I stop my bragging and use my staff to lift me to a height at where I am directly in-front of the album.

There are three ways I can go about this...

Number one. The attack the arm approach, in which Icas squirms and drops the album to the ground, allowing it to shatter.

Number two. The common 'Cataclysm' which is a badass move, but it feels slightly over-used.

Or Number three. I preform my practiced and polished Double Roundhouse Kick and smack the absolute shit out of a Jagged Stone Album.

"Chat? You are aware that you have been staring at the album while I hold her for you for about three minutes now?" Ladybug whines. 

"Roundhouse kick it is"

"What-" My Lady starts to question me once again; meanwhile I put on the show of my life, breaking the album in two.

"Boo-lacka-sha! And the crowd goes wild"

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