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When lunchtime finally rolls around and the bell rings out, Ms. Mendeleiev sighs heavily "Fine. You may leave now!" and shrugs her shoulders as if it was our class personally that decided lunch would take place at the end of her lesson.

"God, she's a bitch" says and unfamiliar voice.

I look to where the voice came from and see a short, lean, French-Arabic girl with brilliant cerulean eyes and messy pink pigtails. "Hey" she smiles at me and holds out her hand "I'm Alix".

I lean up out of my chair to shake her hand, when she swerved me completely and yells "Too slow" as I trip over my own feet and fall back down onto my desk. What a fucking mess! Mari must be rubbing of on me already.

"Shit" she quickly reaches to help me back up. "That wasn't my intention"

"Mine either..." I laugh it off "but I think I can forgive you because you seem pretty cool".

"That's because I am pretty cool" she laughs in response.

I talk to Alix a little longer about moving to Paris and living with Marinette - as well as how I'm adjusting to being a student at Françoise Dupont High School - before Mari and Alya join us.

Alya immediately wraps her arm around my shoulder, as well as Alix's, and begins chatting away. Normally I wouldn't feel comfortable acting so buddy-buddy with a group of people I'd just met, but in all honesty, the people around here seem a lot nicer than my 'friends' back in the system and I'm kind of enjoying the feeling.

"So, we were going to get André's for lunch, you two down? Alya looks between me and Alix expectantly.

"I can't really say for Alex but I'm down"

I turn to Alix confused. "Alex huh? Since when do we have nicknames?" I ask and see Marinette look over, smiling at the way I had mimicked her earlier response to me calling her 'Mari'.

"Come on - it's totally awesome. We'll be Alix and Alex"

"You sure that won't be confusing?"

"That's the totally awesome part" she flashes me finger guns and darts out the room to find Kim. Finger guns? This chick is by far the most entertaining person at this school and I think we're going to be good friends.

It takes about 15 minutes to find André's Ice cream cart, and between constantly checking social media for updates on where he was headed, to running down the streets of Paris - I'm completely knackered

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

It takes about 15 minutes to find André's Ice cream cart, and between constantly checking social media for updates on where he was headed, to running down the streets of Paris - I'm completely knackered.

"I feel sick-" Alya whines, folding her body over and clutching her stomach. "I think I'll pass on the Ice cream"

"I told you you shouldn't have sprinted on ahead in this heat, Alya. Have you drank enough water today?" Marinette rushes to the side of her best friend, concerned, and begins to empty out her bag looking for water.

"I'm fine, Marinette really, you guys go and get your ice cream" Alya forces a weak smile onto her face, still looking as though she could throw up at any minute.

"My name is André! André! Glacé! The sweetheart matchmaker! With one scoop or two, I'll find love for you with magical ice-cream flavors!" André rings his bell and motions for us to join the queue behind a couple holding hands.

After serving them, he wishes them a good day and then turns to face us. "A fresh face I see?" He cocks his head at me.

"André, this is Alexia. She has just moved in with my family recently" Marinette grins proudly.

"Ahh I see" he hums and then begins scooping the ice cream.

He immediately hands Alix her cone and then looks between me and Marinette, puzzled.

"We haven't ordered yet" I whisper to Mari, sharing the same puzzled expression the ice cream man wears.

"That's the point, Alexia. André's ice cream is special. It's matchmaker's ice cream that determines your soulmate" she whispers back, giggling at how bemused I seem.

I nod at her and glance back at the cart once again, where André now stands holding two ice creams, one in either hand.

"Peach pink like his lips and mint like his eyes. Eat this, my dear, and your love will materialize!.." he begins.
"And for you I have raspberry and a chocolate flake, for in your future lies love to take"

He hands the ice creams to us, the first to me and the second to Marinette. "Thanks" I smile and link my arm in Marinette's as we begin to walk back to school.

"Hey, Alexia, your ice cream looks a lot like the one Marinette normally gets - I always thought the 'mint eyes' might mean her and Adrien were soulmates" Alya joins us, still rubbing her tummy ever so slightly.

"Oh" Marinette bows her head "Well, you can't argue with fate"

"Or maybe he just mixed up the ice creams" I interrupt, seeing how saddened Mari looks by this whole ordeal. I snatch her cone from her hand and swap it for mine. "There!" I say "I've never really liked mint ice cream, and if this cone is meant for that wanker Agreste's soulmate, then André definitely mixed us up".

I smile over at Marinette and watch as she breathes a sigh of relief. "You really need to stop calling him names. He's not at all like what you seem to think he is".

"She's right" Alix chimes in, happily licking her ice cream. "He's actually really fun to be around. I think he's the type of person you'd be friends with"

"We'll see"

After returning to school, sitting through and hour of algebra, and then finally heading home - I plonk myself down on Mari's desk chair

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

After returning to school, sitting through and hour of algebra, and then finally heading home - I plonk myself down on Mari's desk chair. All in all, today was a pretty fucking good day.

Tomorrow I plan to make an effort with that Agreste guy, because I feel like that would make Marinette happy. Besides, maybe the whole 'kiss on the hand' gimmick was him purposefully being playful in an attempt to ease my nerves on my first day at a new school.

Maybe I'm just reading far too much into everything. So I'll just chill the fuck out and deal...

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