Chapter 4

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Tyler Blackburn as Caleb ;) #PLL lol

Chapter 4

Bria’s POV

It was definitely not easy waking up the next morning.

After hitting snooze on my alarm at least three times I finally pulled myself out of bed. I turned the lights on which forced Avery to wake up as well. I was so tempted to just sleep through classes today.

All that we would be doing was going over syllabuses and what to expect to get out of the class this year and all that other crap that teachers say about their class that they don’t always follow through with.

“Wake up,” I said as I passed by Avery’s bed, pulling the covers off of her.

“Piss off,” she said and attempted to grab her covers back but I kept pulling them away from her.

“No you have to get up, don’t you want to make a bright, shining first impression on the first day?” I said sarcastically.

“Oh shut up and get me some aspirin,” she groaned. I rolled my eyes and opened up one of the drawers to grab the bottle of medicine.

“Come get it,” I said as I shook the bottle. She groaned again when she realized that I was standing on the other side of the room.

“I hate you,” she mumbled as she finally dragged herself out of bed.

“You love me,” I said as I tossed the bottle to her.

“Whatever,” she said as she opened the bottle and dry swallowed two of the pills down.

“What class do you have first this morning?” I asked her as I went to pull out something to wear for today. 

“I don’t know, something to do with math maybe?” she shrugged as she put the bottle of pills back and went to pick out something for herself to wear.

“What do you have?” she asked back.

“English, I think,” I answered as I grabbed a pair of jeans and a dark gray hoodie.

“Fun,” she said sarcastically as she slipped on a white t-shirt

. I just shrugged and grabbed my make up bag before sitting down in front of the full-length mirror to do my make up. English was honestly the one class that I usually didn’t hate I’ve discovered.

“Hurry up,” I heard Avery say a few minutes later, “I need to do my make up too,”

“Okay, hold on,” I said as I went over the eyeliner one more time before putting it back in the bag and getting up.

Once I finished, I laid down on my bed while I waited for Avery to finish getting ready.

“Want to go get some coffee with me before class so we don’t fall asleep during class?” Avery asked me with a laugh as she walked over to me after she had finished getting ready.

“Not sure how much coffee will help me from falling asleep during certain classes today, but lets go,” I said as I got up from my bed.

“So what other classes do you have today?” Avery asked me as we walked out of the dorm.

“After English I have a history class and then journalism later this afternoon,” I told her as we stepped out of the building.

Avery then went on to tell me what classes she had for today, but I wasn’t really paying attention. I already had an idea of which courses she was taking. She was into fashion design and all that so most of her courses revolved around that.

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