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Candidate 020 was eliminated.

Quite frankly I don't know if I'm dead or not. I guess I won't know until I reach the bottom.

I feel weightless, floating down into the void, like a soul into the underworld. The spiral staircase swirls into a gray kaleidoscope.


"She's dead?" Gaunt stares incredulously at my profile. I clamp a hand over my mouth, to avoid repeating my previous mistakes.

"The cameras got destroyed by the bats, so I assume she got beaten to death." The operator states.

"She isn't as trained as the other two, try to get into her head." Gaunt hisses. Get out, get out, get out.

I force myself out of the vision, straight into another. Johnny dives neatly through the hole, leaving Jaemin alone with the dying flamethrower.

Jaemin swears in a mix of English and Korean, cursing anything and everything.

"FUCK YOUR MUM!" He shouts to one unfortunate albino bat, blasting its entire body and dousing it in liquid flames. With one final pitiful surge of fire, he backflips off the steps, down the rabbit hole.

My vision is interrupted as I land in a cold body of water, enveloping me into its midst, droplets spraying outwards. Shock wavers over my body from the bitter temperature.

I'm alive.

So surely...



"I'm fine, just cold."

"This isn't acidic.... is it?" His doubt gets the better of him, as he scuttles to the water's edge. His splashing rouses something in the dark from its stupor.

"No, it's not acidic," a familiar voice croaks dryly. "It only gets acidic before it goes up the stairs."

No fucking way.


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