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 Peter's body dissolves to pink bones, which in turn disintegrate. They disappear from view as the water retreats back below. 

The death rankings glow on the filthy wall, neon red contrasting with drying blood.

1. 009 - "PETER" - murder

 The line glows red hot, and explodes, holographic sparks flying out but not touching us. The display was obviously preplanned. Like they planned Peter's death. The whole affair seems planned. They used Peter's secret as bait, to lure him into his own death. 

Taro goes white. He's next. 

2. 017 - "TARO" - suicide

"They're messing with us." Johnny shakes his head, his hand on his brow. 

"They're taunting you with your secrets. They did it before to my group." Val says sadly, reminiscent. No offence, but I forgot this child existed, never mind that he existed before this point in another group.

"What happened?" Taro whispers, barely audible.

"They all died, obviously, in the exact ways PANIC ROOM said they would. All except me and my friend Ani-" He pauses, with a flash of realisation. "but she's dead too now. Only she didn't go the way PANIC ROOM wanted her to, so they killed her off when I lost my eye."

"How was she supposed to die?" I whisper, morbid curiosity taking over my senses.

"Poison. But she never ate her rations. She was paranoid when the rankings came out."

"You have nothing to fear if you have nothing to hide," Chris muses thoughtfully. "but my guess is everyone here has a bad secret they want to hide. Even if they don't know it yet."

His eyes rest on me. I shiver. 

"Let's get moving before the water rises again." James says abruptly, leading the group forward briskly. He has secrets too. They all do. We follow him, suspecting each other of awful crimes.

You want to know, don't you, 020?    

The voice hisses in my ear, like a gossiping bitch, eager to tear perceptions apart for entertainment, her sweet tongue covered in enticing lies. I shake my head. I don't want more shit in my head. Like a bitch, the voice ignores my declination.

000 is the President's son.

 I suck in my breath in spite of myself. The rationality of my thoughts is dimmed momentarily, before hitting back with resolve. I'm not going to retaliate. It's probably false. Val is French, the President is ... I don't know where he's from. Somewhere in Europe.

"Val, what's your full name?"

"Valentin d'Avritier, why?"

He can't President Gaunt's legitimate son then.

not legitimate, at least.

The cruel voice chips in, restoring doubt.

"Just wondered what Val was short for, that's all."

"Where are you from, 020?" Kun asks, suddenly. I'm under suspicion as well.

"I don't know-"

"Ukraine." Tommy answers swiftly.

"How did you know that?" Chris looks bewildered, as well as the rest of the group.

"Bullshit. She doesn't have an accent and Gray ain't exactly your typical Eastern European surname..." Nick says logically.

"That's cos it ain't her real name, fool." Tommy answers coolly.

"Why would she need a fake name?" Andy asks, enthralled. Goosebumps line my arms and horror flushes down my neck. It's like my body is having conflicted responses, one part wanting to know more, and the other ready to choke Tommy before he has the choice.

"Again, Tommy, how do you know that?" Chris asks again, after no response.

"I... dreamed about it." 

   I wonder who planted that dream in his head. My eyes slide over to Chris, who shifts uncomfortably under my gaze. But Tommy's conspiracy has been overthrown, so I am safe. I breathe a sigh of relief. Although I know the accuracy of these dreams, the absurd nature of accusation based only on the subconscious is simply not enough to incriminate someone. I look over at Chris with a look of reproach. We need to talk. He nods imperceptibly.

"WE'RE ALMOST THERE!" Johnny shouts suddenly, peering up through the hole in the spiral staircase. I join him eagerly. Sure enough, about ten flights away, is the ceiling.

"My group never made it to the top." Val says, his tone indistinct. 

"What's up there?" 

"You don't wanna know."

"No, we do. Now spill!" Nick says in a joking manner, but everyone can hear the fear in his voice.

"All I know is they're angels." 

  Lucas gasps sharply. Then I remember the creature that imprisoned him. The silver creature with my face, with blank white eyes. I remember how it stared into my soul with those unseeing eyes. How it evaporated into thin air. To return for my soul.

Angels execute those whom have committed capital sin.


10. 020 - "ALEXA" - Execution

That angel is going to kill me.


"Chris, we need to talk."

"Hit me with it."

"What did I do, before I came here?"

"I'll show you."

And he slams my head into the wall.


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enjoy xx

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