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Johnny raps his knuckles against the wall. He continues, infuriated, his fists bleeding as he pummels the wall. Jacob pulls him away.

"Solid fucking marble." Johnny spits ravenously.

"What happens now? Did we make it?" Lucas asks, into the loud quietness.

"I don't understand, it's the last day, we got to the top- what are we missing?" Kun asks rhetorically.

A deafening screeching belows overhead. A large hole is torn through the thick ceiling. An army of white bats pours through, set on attacking us.

Packs surround each of us, claws scratching, teeth tearing and leathery wings bludgeoning my body from all directions.

Lucas screams as he overbalances and tumbles down the hole. He's dead, falling from the highest level like that.

Candidate 021 was eliminated.

A flare of sparks fly from Jaemin, who aims his flamethrower at the ambush, the smell of burning skin and hair filling the column.

The bats dart away from the flames, but don't retreat completely.

"I CAN'T HOLD THEM OFF FOREVER WHAT DO YOU PROPOSE WE DO?!?" Jaemin hollers over the multitude of beating wings.

"WHAT IF WE WERE NEVER MEANT TO REACH THE TOP?" Chris yells, trapped against the wall.

"YOU MEAN THEY INTENDED TO KILL US?" Johnny shouts. He's right. My visions coincide with his thoughts.


There's only one way to check.

And I've got nothing more to lose.

"Do you trust me?"

"WHAT?? I CAN'T HEAR YOU!" Chris yells back, confused.

"DO YOU TRUST ME?" I step onto the ledge of the hole.

"LEX DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE!" James belows, trying to fight the resisting bats to reach me.

I stand on the ledge, facing him. I cross my arms over my chest, and let myself drop.

PANIC ROOM IIWhere stories live. Discover now