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Jacob sets down the rifle, running to the injured boy. Lucas hastily pushes away from me.

"Jacob we had it covered!" He snaps angrily.

"You could've gotten us killed!" I add, as Jacob opens his mouth to speak.

"I saved your boy's life, not to mention everyone else's, when you kindly sent that Fallen down to us!" Jacob replies sarcastically. Lucas punches the wall angrily, before joining me by the boy's side.

Blood runs from the half empty eye socket. The boy's tanned skin is shiney with perspiration. I lift him up cautiously. He's heavy, but I'll manage.

I carry him down the stairs, the other two bickering behind in whispers. Meanwhile the other candidates talk loudly, unaware of my presence.

"WHERE IS 020?" Chris fights with Taro, frantically trying to get to the stairs. I pause, above the stairwell.

"Chris, it's fine, I'm sure she's okay-"


I stiffly walk down the steps, overwhelmed by Chris's strong emotions. Slowly, they turn and see the body from afar. Chris covers his mouth with a trembling hand, assuming the boy's body is my own. As I move closer, however, they see the boy's wider face.

I reach the bottom and set the boy down next to Kun, who begins to clean up the blood.

"He's not infected, he just got stabbed bad-" Chris breaks off the end of my sentence, pulling me into a desperate embrace, rocking back and forth. Unsure what else to do, I pat his back awkwardly.

"Chris, I'm still alive..."

"Let me have my moment, twat."

He takes a second to regather his shit, then breaks off the hug. The boy with one eye wakes up, as Kun applies an eye patch over his face. The boy shakes convulsively, his hollow voice shrill with fear.

"It's alright, kid. We ain't gonna hurt you!" Nick holds his hands up, backing away from the screaming kid, slightly unnerved.

"What's your name, mate?" Chris asks him gently. The boy sniffs.

"I don't know."

Eyes shift to my direction.

"What's your candidate number?" I ask.


"Nice to meet you Zero, I'm 020." I hold my hand out for him to shake. He stares at it fearfully, flinching as if I just struck him.


"I know who you are, Gray." Blood drains from my face at the mention of my last name. I laugh, in spite of my fear.

"I don't though, Zero."

"You want to know?" Zero watches my face with strange delight. I nod, my curiosity taking over.

"Wake up then."

I jolt awake, breathing hard. James's arms are wrapped around my waist, his hands holding mine. My head can't distinguish the end of reality and the beginning of the dream. It's madness. I can't tell the difference between real life and my dreams.



"Did I rescue Lucas and that kid?"

"Um, yeah, why?"

I tell him about the dream. He listens without a single word.

"Lex, are you okay?"

"No, I'm fucking crazy already!" My frustration creates a two fat tears, rolling across the side of my face.

"We're all crazy now. Besides, the kid never woke up," He says, before quickly adding, "he's fine, just exhausted."

I realise how close he is, his breath on my neck. He's risking getting infected.

"James, aren't you scared of the trust disease?"

"It's a bit late for that."

"James! You could get yourself killed-"

"As long as you're alive, I'll be fine."


Day 2 has begun, Candidates. Death rankings have been released.

"Death rankings?" Taro stammers, as a neon red chart appears on the wall behind us.

1. 009 - "PETER" - murder

2. 017 - "TARO" - suicide

3. 001 - "JAMES" - infection

My heart plummets at James's name. The same feeling I had when I realised who Charlie really was. And that I loved him regardless. Fuck.

But the attention is on the last name on the board.

10. 020 - "ALEXA" - execution

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