Chapter Two: Lucy is Scary When She's Tired

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Natsu's P.O.V

I watch from the kitchen table as Lucy starts cooking. I remember last time I tried to help her cook. In my defence she should have been for specific when she asked me to heat up the food, so it's not entirely my fault her kitchen started on fire. I can't help but chuckle at how mad she got, she was terrifying at the time, but now I find it kind of funny. She's a super good cook though, she would make a great wife one day. After a few seconds I realize what I thought, making me sit up straight.

Where did that come from? I wonder. I kept sitting there awkwardly until Lucy sets a small plate of fish on the table and Happy pounced. I laughed as he gobbled down the meal. I really wanted some but Lucy only had a little bit, plus I knew how much Happy loved fish and he hadn't had it in a while....aka a few days.

I hear her giggle from across the table. "Happy, slow down there, don't want to get a tummy ache." She gives him a small wink and he slows down, a little bit anyway. I feel my heart beat pick up.

What the heck? Am I sick or something? I shrug and continue sitting there, trying not to scarf down all that food that's in front of me. Tempting me. I shake my head a little to try and snap out of the food's trance.

'Natsu?" Lucy says.


"Are you still upset about having to wait?" She asks.


"Nah." I answer. Damn mouth, why I am I even this nervous?

"Oh, ok. I was about to say we could go tomorrow but we can wait." I shoot out of my seat.

"Really?" She looks taken aback at first, then she laughs.

"Really! Maybe we could walk instead of having to ride the train with that much time on our hands." She laughs into her hands as I cringe and remember my last train ride.

"Aye!" Happy speaks up, food dribbling down his chin.

I smile triumphantly and sit back down. I see Lucy roll her eyes. She sure does that a lot. We all sit around the table laughing and talking, until it's dark outside. Lucy let's out a huge yawn.

"Not sleeping much?" I smirk. She shrugs.

"The air conditioner has been acting up at night so it's freezing." She says as her teeth start to chatter. I nod, I don't really feel cold at all but then again, I am always pretty warm. "Anyway I'm going to bed." She says as she stands up and heads to change into her PJs.

"Can we stay here tonight?" I ask. She stops.

"Uh..why?" She asks, her face slightly pink.

"Then we can start our job first thing in the morning" I grin, hoping she'll let us stay. Finally she lets out a growl and turns to face us, with a look on her face that Erza would be proud of.


"Yay!" Happy and I shout and jump in the air, but stop immideatly when she turns around and shoots us another "Erza stare". She grumbles to herself and stalks away.

"Lucy is scary when she's tired." I whisper.

"Aye." Happy nods. Lucy walks out of the bathroom wearing an oversized shirt that reaches just above her knees.

"Night." She grumbles and waves her hand. I smile and wave back, walking towards her couch. I hear her breathing become more relaxed and I can tell she's asleep. As I lay on my rather uncomfortable sleeping arrangement looking up at the ceiling I hear the sound of teeth chattering. I sit up and see Lucy shivering under the covers.

Hmmm. She looks really cold. I think to myself. I'll just warm her up, then I'll get right back to the couch. With a small nod to myself I crawl under the blankets with her. Not close or anything I don't want to be a pervert, plus she'd probably give me her signature 'Lucy Kick'. Hopefully my body heat will help her stay warm through the night. I watch her teeth stop chattering and I smile to myself. She looked so peaceful when she slept.

Wait what? Natsu stop, she's your best friend and that sounds really creepy. I scold myself silently, but I can't help staring at her sleeping form,

and before I knew it, I was fast sleep too.


How often do y'all what me to update this? Because I don't want to spam you guys or not post enough 😊 feel free to tell me! Anyhow Natsu you loveable idiot ❤️

-SailorOfTheNaluShip (Bella)

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