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Third Person's POV

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Third Person's POV

It was a little past two in the morning when Jungkook roused from his sleep.

He blinked his eyes open, still feeling sleepy despite being fully conscious. Recently he had been waking up in the middle of the night, usually around this time of night. And he would have gone back to sleep as he usually would, if only he hadn't noticed the lack of warmth next to him.

He sat up in surprise, staring at the empty half of the bed.

Strange, how Jungkook had gotten used to having Taehyung's warmth beside him. Few years ago, he wouldn't even have imagined this. Taehyung was and still is his idol. Still, who would have thought that the once fanboy-idol would turn into this? 

He still looks back to the stages he has crossed with Taehyung, fanboy-idol to friends to boyfriends to husbands and now fathers of their beautiful little girl. Taehyung was no different, every morning seeing Jungkook beside him, he would silently thank his husband for writing him letters and baking him sweet delicacies. 

"Taehyung?" He wondered aloud, patting the sheets which to his relief were still slightly warm.

But where could he have gone at this time of night, was the next question that ran through his head. Perhaps he had needed to use the washroom, or perhaps he was thirsty and had decided to get a drink of water. Both options were both feasible.

However, it was when he had thought he heard the sound of soft murmuring from the next room that he had realised where his husband had gone. Jungkook got off the bed and made his way silently to the neighbouring room. The door was left wide open and he peered inside.

As he had expected, Taehyung was inside. The man was standing by the window, with the curtains open. The light of the moon shone on him and the infant that was cradled in his arms and it was nothing less than a beautiful sight to behold.

He was speaking to her, in a hushed tone that was soft but was still audible from where Jungkook was secretly watching him.

"- and the tiger said to the bunny one day, 'Let's be together forever, you and me, just the two of us'. That was the one letter, four messages, three gifts that changed the bunny and tiger's life for the best. It took some time and perhaps a lot of conversations but at the end both the tiger and the bunny agreed" 

Taehyung paused and smiled a bit before continuing as the little one blinked at him, looking curiously at what her Dada was saying. She didn't understand a word but she felt peaceful, she stayed quiet and still, listening and looking at his father with her curious doe eyes. 

"The tiger and the bunny decided to go on a journey together to run in the different forests of the world. Along the way, they met many different creatures who became their friends- a squirrel, a baby chick, a koala, a cat and the oldest hamster. Of course, throughout the entire trip, they drank plenty of banana milk, as it was the bunny's favourite"

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