(19) I got you

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Third Person's POV

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Third Person's POV

"Jungkook, I-I love you"

"No, no you- you can't"

"I-I really do" Taehyung said but Jungkook shook his head again.

Taehyung's eyes went completely still as a look of dejection crossed his features. Then he heard Jungkook sigh,

"You can't just say I love you like that hyung, it's a big word"

"I know Kook and I really do love you trust me, I am just not saying it, I mean it" Taehyung replied and to both of them it felt right.

"You already know-" Jungkook started but Taehyung cut him off,

"No I don't, I want to hear you say"

"I-I love you" Jungkook mumbled, looking down.

It felt so unbelievably right to be able to say what their heart had known for a while now.

Taehyung caressed the side of Jungkook's face and held his gaze. His eyes traveled to the younger lips and Jungkook closed his eyes as Taehyung brought his lips down to meet Jungkook's.

It was sweet.



It was unlike the other kisses they had shared. It was pure, unadulterated love.

"Will you- will you be my boyfriend?" Taehyung asked and closed his eyes after the pulled away.

"Y-yes" Jungkook mumbled shyly, Taehyung opened his eyes with a wide smile and sighed in relief.

"W-we should get to bed" Taehyung said and stood up.

"Hyung" Jungkook stopped him and the elder looked at him.

"C-can we, can we.. I mean, umm.. we can sleep t-together, if- if you want to" Jungkook said, looking down with flushed cheeks, fidgeting with his sweater paws.

Taehyung gulped and replied,

"Yeah, yeah sure"

❃.✮:▹ ◃:✮.❃

They were close, in each other's arms, cuddling. It felt just so right. In this cuddle they were two halves of one holy grail like the pieces of their hearts that had been struggling to fit into these world became so quiet when cuddling with each other, it was as if they had found peace, as if they needed the glue to bridge their gaps and connect.

It was perfect, the moment was perfect now that they got each other's emotional warmth.

"This new relationship is a new day, a fresh start, a clean slate, all the cliches come tumbling out be cause they all apply so well. The idea of you, the way you are, your stoic loving soul brings such serenity to my own. You be you. I'll be me. I think that's enough for the both of us, right?" Taehyung whispered suddenly, taking Jungkook by surprise but when he got the idea of what Taehyung was saying he replied,

"Yeah, you be you and I'll be me" Taehyung smiled and gently kissed his forehead.

The elder then leaned a little as his lips touched the younger's. Jungkook's nerves lit up like a Christmas tree. His hands traveled up to Taehyung's hair, playing with the small strands at the back while Taehyung had his hands on Jungkook's cheeks, his thumb stroking the younger's cheek gently as their lips moved against each other.

Jungkook pulled away first and Taehyung leaned in, pressing his lips on the tip of Jungkook's button nose, that made him scrunch his nose cutely and it had Taehyung right there and then. Just when he thought the boy can't be more adorable, he was proved wrong in an instant. Now, Taehyung was surely do this more often just to see the cute nose scrunch of his boyfriend.


Taehyung's heartbeat kept steady rhythm until the thought of Jungkook now being his boyfriend arrives, then its tempo raised into a new genre all together.

It felt good to Taehyung as he called him that, boyfriend, his boyfriend.

Jungkookie was his now, it was safe for him to call him his now, right?

"I love you" Taehyung said once again looking at him.

"Y-you just can't say that. Not so suddenly atleast" Jungkook whined and hid his pink tainted cheeks with his hands but the elder saw it and cooed internally.

"And that's not what you reply back Jungkookie" Taehyung replied and Jungkook whined again.

Taehyung chuckled and gently pulled the younger's hands away from his face. He looked at Jungkook's face with a very fond look which made Jungkook just want to be as close to Taehyung as possible but he controlled and finally replied,

"I love y-you"

Taehyung chuckled and gently kissed the tip of Jungkook's nose again and Jungkook scrunched his nose again and it had Taehyung once again.

Taehyung was badly smitten now, in a good way wherein Jungkook has always been smitten for the idol.
See you all in the next chapter.
I hope you liked it.💜
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And if there are any mistakes I am sorry for that.
Stay safe and stay happy.💜💜

Yoongi being the astrologer, he has been

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Yoongi being the astrologer, he has been. Everyone posted while I was writing the chapter except Hobi, Taehyung and Jungkook, they will post as well I guess. I will have a good sleep today and for the nth time Jiminie is so adorable 🤩

 I will have a good sleep today and for the nth time Jiminie is so adorable 🤩

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Congratulations to mumma Halsey 💫

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