21) Sunday - Namjoon

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It was finally Sunday, Namjoon had gotten up early, around 6am to try and get some work done before his parents came over for a quick visit and then Yoongi would be moving in later in the afternoon.  

Since Namjoon was a very hard worker he able to get a lot done, though he couldn't finish it all since he didn't have the proper equipment or updated file from what he and Yoongi had been working on. He was very thankful for this writing intelligence other wise there was no way he could've accomplished so much.

When my world was darker than night, you were the light that shined in my eyes. Then you taught me how to take flight to help me reach the top of the skies.Then you taught me how to take flight, to help me reach the top of the skies. What do I do? I cannot help but fall hard for you. I'll be yours, I'll hand you my soul, and I hope you never let it go.

With some more thinking Namjoon was also able to add on and finish the verse with,

So then take my hand right now, and I promise you I won't back down. I'll say the words a million times, and a million times, 'baby please don't leave me now'.

Something was still missing from the verse, but it finally clicked. This song was supposed to be about soulmates, so why not add in their soulmate phrase.

You got the best of me. You got the best of me. Doesn't matter if it's a dream or reality, cause if you're standing by my side, that's the world to me. Thanks.

It was just perfect. The last bit really summed up both Namjoon and Yoongi's feelings towards each other.

While searching even more of Yoongi's lyric book, Namjoon was able to piece together the chorus and bridge for the song, and with a little more thinking he was able to finish another potential verse

Looking over at the clock it was already 11am meaning his parents would be there in a few minutes. Sure enough, they showed up right on time. They both created Namjoon with a hug and came in to sit down. They were all sitting in the kitchen, Namjoon and his dad at the kitchen table while his mom took it upon her to cook lunch. Namjoon always loved catching up with his parents, and this time he told them about Yoongi. They were so happy for him and couldn't wait to meet the boy, he seemed lovely. Without even realizing it, it was soon 2:30pm which meant Yoongi would be moving in soon. Not wanting to get in they bid goodbye to their son before heading out hand in hand. 

Namjoon cleaned up a bit and put the leftover his mom left him in the fridge before getting into the car and driving to the JiHope House. One he got there he was instantly greeted by a one-armed hug from Yoongi and hellos all around from Jimin and Hoseok. 

"My little baby is all grow up and moving out of the house" Hoseok started fake crying with Jimin awkwardly patting him on the shoulder, really playing up on the theatrics. 

"Bitch, I'm still older than you" Yoongi rolled his eyes, used to his best friends' dramatics.

Namjoon just laughed and started loading his and Yoongi's cars. Luckily Yoongi still didn't have too much so they got it all in one load. Waving goodbye to the JiHope couple and exchanging hugs and thank you's, Yoongi and Namjoon headed back to Namjoon's place. 

Upon arrival they began to bring everything into the living room. Well, it was mostly Namjoon bringing everything up from the cars, Yoongi was semi organizing everything when it got inside. It wasn't until around 5 pm until everything was finally re-organized and put into its proper place. Namjoon's apartment was already starting to feel more like home to Yoongi but the boy still had some concerns. Yoongi just sat on the couch and kept looking around the apartment, so while Namjoon was in the kitchen heating up some water to brew some coffee for the two Yoongi ended up falling asleep on the couch, his thoughts and worries tiring him out.

Namjoon finished making the coffee and brought a cup out for Yoongi and himself but set them down on the end table once he realized that Yoongi was asleep. He went to their room to grab a blanket and laid it over Yoongi. He then lifted Yoongi's head so that he could sit with Yoongi's head in his lap and could play with his hair. Namjoon texted Jimin and Hoseok that things would be pushed back a little since Yoongi was asleep and he didn't have the heart to wake him up. Jin was at his family restaurant preparing dinner to have at the Jihope house for after.

Yoongi woke up around an hour later, Namjoon had put on the TV quietly for some noise to keep him entertained but still was running his fingers through Yoongi's hair. While smiling down at him. If Yoongi had any doubts about their relationship earlier, Yoongi could feel happiness replacing those thoughts.

"How was your nap?" Namjoon asked, only to get a happy sigh in reply from Yoongi who closed his eyes out of comfort and not being fully awake yet. "No, you can't fall asleep again on me baby. Let's eat some left over that my mom left me for dinner, hmm?" Namjoon spoke.

"Hmmm okie, I'll go take a shower and change while you get the food out." Yoongi got up to go get ready for bed.

"This food is delicious Joonie, your mom is a great cook!" Yoongi exclaimed, shoving food into his mouth like he would never eat again. 

"Slow down baby, my mom said she will cook for us whenever we want, she loves cooking!" Namjoon laughed as Yoongi's chipmunk checks. 

After finishing dinner and cleaning up Namjoon went to take a quick shower. When Namjoon was done he returned to the living room, seeing Yoongi sitting on the couch watching a show, he decided to join him. Yoongi immediately cuddled into Namjoon as soon as he was situated.

"What is it baby? Did you miss me that much?" Namjoon inquired, trying to not give away that he was practically done with the song anyway.

"Of course I miss you so I am happy to see you! I missed you while I was in the hospital. Oh! I almost forgot to give you the full update! The doctor said that they were able to file a report of assault and attempted murder on my parents, so my parents were sentenced to life in jail for attempted murder. The hospital sent in the report of my injuries from the first time to the police questioning me but an official report was just released. It was really scary but I knew that they would be far away from me for sure if I talked to them. They said that they had enough evidence and that I wouldn't even have to see them in court because they were already going to be charged with tax evasion. They are gone, Joonie! Gone! I'm so happy! I never have to see them again. The officer also told me that he would request that a restraining order be put on them from me so that they can never even try to contact me again." Yoongi said, so happy that they were finally out of his life and that he had found his soulmate, so he could focus all this time and energy into his work and his soulmate.

"That's so wonderful to hear, baby! How about I take you out to dinner tomorrow instead of us ordering takeout? You've had a lot on your plate and you need some time to relax. I'm sure Jin won't mind anyway, he's probably glad to see the both of us not being antisocial depressed hermits anymore anyway." Namjoon chuckled.

"Yay! Now let's watch a movie!" Yoongi exclaimed, making sure to cuddle more into Namjoon. 

And that's what they did the rest of the night.

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