13) Children's Event - Namjoon

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It was Saturday so Namjoon had to be at the library for the children's event that happened every weekend of June through August from 12pm-3pm. The library was still open normally but the hours were shortened slightly for Saturdays, 11am-4pm. The children's event was hosted in the upstairs entertainment room to keep all the noise anyway from anyone else there. It was always the highlight of Namjoon's week since he loved all the kids he worked with, and they loved him. They loved how he would keep things interesting and that it wasn't always about books, most of the time it wasn't, it was about learning. Namjoon would tell stories about high school and college or help them discover the type of person that they wanted to be when they grow up. The parents of the children also adored him, he was so soft spoken and gentle with the kids but stern when he needed to get their attention or get them to settle down, husband and father material you would say. Some of the parents stayed not only to help Namjoon out with dealing with the about twenty children who show up, but also to get involved and listen to what he was actually saying, the man was a genius.

Today's topic was about soulmates. It was a strange topic for Namjoon to discuss since he still hadn't met his soulmate yet. Luckily the few parents that always stay to help out were able to answer some of the questions that Namjoon couldn't answer. There was a question by a little boy named Felix, Namjoon couldn't get off his mind. Namjoon had previously been talking about how he wants to meet his soulmate by chance, rather than just barge into their life and force them to change to accommodate him. He spoke of how sometimes people go all out and end up disappointed when their soulmates aren't the person they expected them to be.

 After the event was over, Felix came up to him to ask questions like always but this question just puzzled Namjoon. Felix said, "Mr. Kim, I understand what you meant about wanting to meet your soulmate naturally, but what if they don't want to meet you and that's why you haven't met them yet? What if their parents were a mistake so they don't want to meet their soulmate because they think the same thing will happen to them?" 

Namjoon didn't have an answer right away to that question, in all honesty, he didn't have a direct answer. He knew that Felix was more so talking about himself rather than about Namjoon so he had to make sure that he responded in an appropriate way.

"Unfortunately there are mistakes out there, no one is perfect. I think the best way to get over the fear of being a mistake is all up to that person. They can either avoid everyone and everything and let their pity swallow themself or they can do their very best for their soulmate and overcome the possibility of being a mistaken match. I personally believe that mistakes only happen because they meet at the wrong time under the wrong circumstances. However, I also believe that if this person is really the one for you, that the universe will make it so that you will meet them when you are supposed to, in order to avoid mistakes." Namjoon replied to the small boy, almost shocked that he said all that himself.

"Thank you Mr. Kim, that makes me feel a lot better about it all. I've got to go now, but I'll see you next week!" Felix smiled cheerfully, before running out to catch up with his brothers, Han and Jeongin.

For the next hour, until the library closed, Namjoon just kept pondering over the conversation that he and Felix had. He had many thoughts on his mind, many 'what if' questions about his soulmate. While on his way home he stopped to get a few things to make dinner with but for the rest of the night he just kept questioning himself and reflecting on all that he had done after getting his soulmate mark.

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