12) Talk - Jimin/Hoseok

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Soon enough, the Sunday morning had arrived and Jimin and Hoseok were the first ones up per the usual since they were so accustomed to it by now. The couple knew Yoongi wouldn't be up for another few hours so they decided to call Jin on their own, mainly to minimize the chance of Yoongi bailing out at the last minute on the whole idea. Thankfully, Jin made sure to maintain a very close and healthy relationship with all his employees; so there was no issue with him showing up at the JiHope house for dinner to discuss.

After Yoongi woke up, the couple told him about the plans. Surprisingly Yoongi didn't protest or express any concern like they thought he would. When asked why, Yoongi simply explained how he did some research on RM and really enjoyed their stance on producing, it was something new and so different that him, he was actually excited to potentially meet up and work with them.

The rest of the day dragged on for what seems like forever, but soon enough it was time for Jin to arrive. The three of them prepared Korean pan-fried fish for dinner, which unfortunately made the house smell of fish but it was worth it since it would taste wonderful and there was nothing a few open windows and fans couldn't fix.

Soon after they finished cooking there was a knock at the door.

"Hi Jin! Come on in, we just finished making dinner." Jimin greeted in his standard cheerful manner.

"It's nice to see all of you. I see you seem to be doing better Yoongi, though I am sorry for what happened. You may take all the time you need, and if these two aren't treating you with the utmost hospitality, feel free to tell me and I will knock some sense into them." Jin said, a small chuckle slipping past his lips.

"It's nice to see you Jin, I'm glad you could make it over." Hoseok greeted Jin.

"Thanks for coming over Jin, I feel a bit better, my shoulder still hurts a lot.,I can't move it at all unless I move it with my other hand. But most of my cuts have stopped bleeding and my busies are starting to fade, which is good. Also don't apologize, it's not your fault, they just have their moments. These two have done nothing but treat me well, I am very thankful to have them in my life. Now umm I hate to break the conversation,  but the food will be starting to get cold if we don't eat." Yoongi explained and the remaining three males agreed to his last statement.

Dinner was mostly small talk about whatever they could think of, but the group also fully explained the whole situation of what happened to Yoongi, which left Jin in tears.

After clearing the dishes and migrating to the living room, for more comfortable seating, they finally began discussing what they had originally planned the dinner for.

"So from what I gathered from Jimin and Hoseok this morning, you would be interested in working with someone else for a bit to help you get over this small writer's block? I think that's a great idea, but I'm curious to know, are you interested in working with my semi-producer friend, or do you have someone else in mind?" Jin inquired.

"Well Hoseok told me about this guy a lot of the trainees were talking about named RM, he produces on SoundCloud and I've thoroughly enjoyed all that I've heard so far of them. They are SoundCloud only and I don't have an official name or face but I like their work." Yoongi responded, sounding more professional than needed.

"Oh that will be easy then. You see, my friend Namjoon is in fact RM on SoundCloud. He works a day job at the library and does music on the side. I met him in college during a music production class actually. He just does music as a hobby to either relax or just change things up. I think you two would get along! I'll contact him about meeting up so you can work together. If anyone is going to be able to help you, I am positive it's going to be him. He needs some more friends anyway." Jin explains, the last sentence being accompanied by a small chuckle.

" Two anti-social hermits, coming together for the first time to create a powerhouse duo is what I'm getting from this conversation and I'm so here for it." Hoseok chimes in, making everyone, including Yoongi, laugh.

"I'll get a time set up for you guys to meet. I'm thinking maybe next Monday? Give you guys the rest of the week off and hopefully you can heal up a bit more before getting back to grind time baby!  It will probably be after 6pm though if that's okay with you Yoongi, he doesn't get out of work until around 5pm." Jin suddenly remembered.

"That's fine Jin. Thank you so much." Yoongi responded back, internally getting so excited to meet this Namjoon guy.

"Oh of course! I'll have Ken get it all set up for you guys. We'll do dinner first so then you can get to know each other first before having to stress about work." Jin said to Yoongi. "Oh and you two are welcome to come along," Jin pointed to Jimin and Hoseok, "I want to make it a group event since Namjoon could use some more social aspects of his life and it will help make it less awkward."

"We will definitely be there, we did promise to Yoongi we would go when they first meet anyway." Jimin piped in, secretly praying to everything possible that this will all go well and won't end like all the others.

"Great! I'll see you then. I appreciate you having me over for dinner since it was nice to catch up with you all, but I'm afraid I must head out. As much as I would like to stay and chat more, I've got one last meeting in an hour that I need to attend, so I will be heading out. I will text you later next week to finalize everything, take care!" Jin gave each of them a quick hug before heading out the door and driving back to his place.

"Well, that went a whole lot better than expected." Yoongi said after Jin had left.

"Agreed, but now Monday can't come fast enough. I'm super excited to meet this Namjoon guy, he seems nice and interesting from what Jin said." Hoseok spoke and the rest of them agreed before heading to bed since they were all tired. "Goodnight everyone." Hoseok said. 

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