6) Dinner - Namjoon

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As Namjoon and Jackson entered the restaurant they were immediately greeted and directed towards the table with their friends. They were all well known regulars at the restaurant, so everyone knew them, where, and with who they would sit with. As they approached the table Mark, Jin and Ken all stood up and greeted the two with hugs.

"Hey! How's it going, I feel like it's been too long since I last saw you even though I just did a week or so ago." Jin greeted Namjoon, pulling him into a hug.

"Well that is a long time for us since we all used to live together and see each other everyday during school. Plus technically haven't all been together for something like this since graduation" Namjoon replied back in a joking manner, earning a few chuckles from the friends surrounding him. Then pulling away from the hug and taking a seat next to Jackson.

All the guys had stayed in the same area after graduating, but chose to do their own thing. Jackson and Mark were soulmates and created a blog and YouTube channel, documenting their lives and travel adventures. They were often out of town traveling, befriending some locals and truly getting to experience the life of different cultures. Jin stepped away from the family business of running the restaurant and started his own company Jinhit Entertainment, with Jackson and Mark being his first public figures. The three of them all do business together and Jin gave Mark and Jackson their own management team to help sort out all the travel plans alongside the few modeling gigs during their breaks from travel. Ken was a year behind the group and was still in online-college but he originally worked under Jin as a stage worker, eventually becoming a co-owner. Jin and Ken were one of the few who ended up being platonic soulmates, but it worked out for the better for them. They lived together but never saw each other as something more than brothers, and both were perfectly fine with that.

"So Joon, it's been a while since we last chatted," Mark started, "any news on the soulmate? Or are you still waiting?"

"Nope, I'm still letting things play out as they should. I do hope I meet them soon though. I just want to love and cherish them with everything I have!" Namjoon replied with a sad yet hopeful smile.

"I'm sure you'll find them soon, they must be excited to meet you, even though Ken and I are platonic, it's amazing the dynamic of even just our friendship, ya know?" Jin said in response to Namjoon, giving him a pat on the back. "Anyway, are you still doing your SoundCloud music? A few of the trainees were playing one of your older works as a warm-up song a few days ago."

"In fact I actually am, it's a nice change of pace after my normally peaceful and quiet days. I think I'm going to start putting out some more but I don't want to get too involved. I don't have the proper programs either so I often have to find work arounds which gets very annoying fast." Namjoon replied back, taking a sip of his drink.

"Well you are always welcome to work in one of my empty studios, and I'm sure some of the trainees would love to meet you and discuss. Also if you are interested, that work hermit, Yoongi, needs to get out and socialize. I'm sure he would love to discuss with you on a potential project since he's just a ghost writer and always looking for new ideas. Just give me a heads up before you stop by so I have an excuse to tell him to be nice." Jin said light heartedly.

"Will do Jin," Namjoon chuckled softly. "Thanks for the offer." Finishing his thoughts just before the food arrived. "Now let's eat because I'm starving!" The rest of the group agreed and began to dig in.

After eating, the group talked a bit longer, reminiscing on their college days all together. Soon enough it was 9pm and they decided to call it a night. They all had work the next day and knew that they couldn't stay too much longer, despite them not wanting to part so soon.

"It was really nice to see you all, thanks again for paying Jin, I really appreciate it. We'll have to start doing this more often when these two decided to come back home for more than a few days." Namjoon laughed and bid his friends farewell, leaving to head back to his apartment.

Even though Namjoon didn't meet anyone new, sadly meaning he couldn't of met his soulmate, he still went to bed feeling full that night. He wasn't just full from eating so much and having a full stomach, his heart was full. He was surrounded by so much love and joy, it made him unbearably happy. 

Namjoon fell asleep that night with a big, goofy, smile on his face, and thoughts of one day being able to make someone else feel full by simply being around them. Of course he didn't fully fall asleep until glancing at his soulmate mark one last time and smiling to himself like an idiot. 

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