"Ice cream with a cherry on top?" I asked.

It was this thing me and Mary do. It's like Pretty please with a cherry on top?  Instead, we use it for after we get upset with each other and we make up.

She smiled at me and nodded. "The best cure is sugar for everything. " Mary began to unlock the door and let me in.

I pulled my remaining of my stuff into her house and sat on her couch. Mary sat next to me and looked at the bag, "Wanting to spend the night without asking?"

I looked over at my bag and with a shaky voice,  I replied,  "Yeah, more like a few nights."

"Is it because of Henry? " she asked out of concern. I nodded my head yes. It is the truth. Mary would just think that we're through and broken up and that's why I'm staying at her house for a few nights.

"Let's not talk about him. How you and Nathan?" I asked.

Her eyes quickly bright up and almost was in a fan girl state. "He's so so so nice! He has been texting me and comforting me when I need it. He's so good at cooking and he's so funny and I can tease him and he always teases me and-"

"Whoa whoa. Calm down. You're going too fast. " I tried to calm her down.

Mary giggled and said, "I'm sorry. I just get so happy when I talk about him. It's. ...it's like a dream come true."

"What is?" I asked.

"Having a cute boy to like me and I like him back. Oh, and I'm going to be modeling in the same company. " she mentioned.

I smiled and asked, "Have you two kissed yet?"

Mary's fave became quickly red and studdered, "O-of course not! We have been barely hanging out for about a week or so."

I laughed at her reaction as she played tackled me. I'm glad that she got over it and made up with me.

I arrived to school and still hearing all of Henry's fangirls. I looked over at the group for a quick second. But unfortunately that quick second, Henry got at glance at me looking at him. I just turned my head and kept on walking to the main building. I took in a deep breath before opening the door and kept my head held high and put everything behind me...

Henry POV:

I arrived to school by myself and got out to be swarm by thousands of squealing and annoying girls. I looked through the group hoping to find Kylee but of course, not here.

Then I picked my head up higher to over look the crowd and I had eye contact with Kylee but she quickly turned her head to the other direction. I saw her heading to the main building where the lockers where located.

I got out of the group and went in after her. I just can't let things be how they are. I opened the door to the main building and walked in. I tried as hard as I can to avoid and ignore all the crazy girls who have a crush on me. 

I follow Kylee up a flight of stairs and lost her for a moment. I paced down the halls until I saw her opening her locker as this one guy was leaning against a locker that was next to hers. I listen in to make sure it was a friend or someone. 

"So, you Henry, is it a still couple type thing?" asked the guy.

"No, and why are you asking? You can care less." Kylee said. Then I got a better look at the guy and saw Nathan Henderson flirting with Kylee. I felt the rage inside me builing up and my hand formed a fist.

"I guess so. But tell me what really happened behind closed doors." smirked Nathan.

"Nothing extreme happened. Plus we weren't dating that long to be like that." Kylee said as she closed her locker. 

"Not that long? That was how long? Six or seven months?" 

"Yeah yeah. It's all done and over with." Kylee sighed. Then she saw me "passing by".  She turned to Nathan and said, "I need to go to class and you need to go get Mary before she get lost. Again."

"Oh crap, she has a new class. Alright, we'll see you later." Nathan said as he started running down the hall.

I began make my pace faster to a classroom or anywhere for that fact. Then I heard a voice, "Now stop walking faster. I saw you staring at me." Kylee sighed.

I stopped and I turned to her. "Was it that obvious?"

"I can read you like an open book. Now what do you want? Want to take something else away from me? Because honsetly I have nothing else. No money, no family, and nothing semental vaule. Unless you want to rape me to take my first. Because you just love to make my life a living hell."

"Kylee, it's not like that. I-"

Then she interrupted me, " Really? Not like that? Please tell me, why me. Out of all people. And you jumped to conclusions and if you didn't, I would be as happy as could be at my own home."

"Kylee, at least let me explain myself instead of you interrupting me before I could even finish my sentece." I raised my voice at her.

She became quiet and quietly said, "Alright."

I took in a deep breath and finally said, "I never intended to take anything from you from the beginning. I knew you wouldn't agree with me to be my fake girlfriend to scare away this poor girl so that's why I 'kidnapped' you. But, I never intended for her to die. I never meant this to get this so out of hand. I'm so sorry Kylee. I'm truly am. If I could take everything back, I would."

Then she studied my face in our long silence. Then she asks, "Then why were you so agressive with me in the beginning? And why would you put all your anger on me? And please answer this question. Why me?"

Then we hear the bell ring for first period. ThenI look Kylee in the eyes and told her, "If you want answers, come to my place tonight and I'll answer any of your unanswered questions." and with that, I walked away from her as she quickly walked to her first period class. 

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