Chapter 11: There's Nothing Good

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The only thing that keeps replaying in my head is Mary yelling at me and her tears running down her face. She must actually hate me now.... I've never seen her like this...

I arrived to Henry's house and unlocked the door as I walked in. I gently closed the door behind me as I went straight to Henry's room. I threw my bag across the room while a vase of flower crashed onto the ground and glass shards everywhere on the wooden floor.

Hot tears ran down my face. I just can't live without Mary. I need Mary. This has to be just a nightmare of some sort. It just has to be!!

I curled up into a ball into a corner and cried my eyes out. All these things began running through my head. And I kept thinking how I just could've gave Mary a little more attention and things wouldn't be how they are now.

My phone kept ringing while I just ignored it. It's probably just Henry. ... not Mary....

All of the sudden the door slammed open as Henry yelled, "How come you didn't answer your phone or text me you where at home!?"

I took off one of my shoes and chucked it at him as hard as I can. Of course I missed by a long shot. "It's your fault...." I mumbled.

"Kylee! What the fuck was that for?! " yelled Henry as he grabbed me by the collar and held me close to him.

"IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT! NONE OF THIS WOULD HAVE HAPPENED IF YOU DIDN'T KIDNAPPED ME!!" I screamed at him as tears of frustration ran down.

"What the hell are you talking about." Henry growled through his teeth.

"Because of you, the only friend I had left is gone!! " I screamed at his face. Then I kneed him in the balls so he can lose his grip on me but instead he just held on tighter on my shirt.

Henry slapped me across my face as hard as he can and threw me onto the ground. "I have nothing to do with your friend. Plus that girl is coming over pretty soon so after that you can get the hell out of here and you won't be my problem anymore. "

With that he left the room and went downstairs. My cheek was throbing from the slap. I couldn't move for a long moment. All the seconds that passed by were hours.

I shouldn't be this's only day one....maybe things will go better tomorrow. ..


I got in the car with Henry as he studied me. Then I looked at him. "What is it?"

Henry leaned back in his seat and stopped looking at me, "Making sure it didn't leave a mark. If it did, it would ruin my plan."

Then I remembered something, "When your parents came over, they said that the girl was coming over that weekend. Why didn't she come over?"

"Turns out her family was away on vacation for a few weeks and my parents wasn't informed. And plus my parents just went off to another state if that was your other question. " Henry muttered.

"Don't you need a partner for your modeling like Nathan?" I asked.

"Yeah, but I don't want one. It's just that the company prefers if I get one. It's nothing like everything depends on it." Henry mumbled as the car stopped at the school. The sound of girls again were swarming around the car.

I opened the door and was immediately pushed out of the way. But this time Mary wasn't there. I walked to my locker to get my books and headed to my first class the long route.

Then I heard Mary's giggle and her opening her locker. I put my back against the wall and listen in on her.

"I'm not that cute. After all, I'm not a huge model." She shyly put it.

"To me you are and you will be. So what's your first class?" Asked Nathan.

"AP Euro" answered Mary.

"Wow, intelligent girl. I'll walk you to class. My is on the way to there."

"I'm not that smart. I was just put in the class." Mary added. Soon they walked away and I couldn't make out anything they say after that.

Nothing about me..and she seems fine. I guess I do deserve this. And I guess this is how things are between us....

But what am I going to do when I don't have Henry anymore?

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