Pt 14 sorry.

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Why I deleted part 14, It's because it took a lot of time I just spammed to look like it had a lot of effort to it even tho it's only a 20 minute story :p but I didn't want people complaining about the story and spreading and about it saying it has too much lalalalalalalalalalalala and stuff like that because it was making the story, no sense so that's why I had to delete,
I'm sorry if u enjoyed the part, this part didn't feel right and people had to scroll to see the next part it was I didn't want people writing mean comments saying there's too much lalala, it was a dumb idea, putting this up and I hope u forgive me if u liked the part 14 I'm sorry I had to delete it... thank you.
I will not be writing about the story for a long time...This account was only meant for a one time usage, it was supposed to be a test, account I was supposed reading stories then I had a idea I wanted to make my dream come true by, Making tomtord mpreg stories, then I check everyday to see if I had notifications, on Wattpad, because the only reason why I downloaded this was to see Tomtord mpreg, I know I sound like a creep but hear me out it's cute and it's fun to see, if it makes me happy and if others don't enjoy it idc,But god had other plans so that's why I made 5 stories, and yea, I literally make parts everyday like 2 parts per day, then I ran out of ideas so I had to wait until tomorrow to see what Ideas I had,then when I thought of them I immediately right the parts down here.. By the way the story will discontinue because school will start and most likely I will forget about the app, but the reason why I'm discontinuing the story is because nobody liked it, it was getting kinda old... it was cringey...I tried to make it look like it had alot of effort into it but failed...And things seemed fucked I was getting tired of stories that people didn't even asked me to do I just only did it for fun I didn't care. But hear me out I will return....bye

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2021 ⏰

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