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It was already past 8 in the evening and we decided to set up tents and take a rest for the night

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

It was already past 8 in the evening and we decided to set up tents and take a rest for the night. There was a nice bonfire, thanks to Shoto's quirk. I mean Katsuki wanted to light it up but, everyone suggested he shouldn't as he was capable of burning down the entire forest.

I saw Katsuki sitting alone and I thought, it was a nice opportunity to talk things out with him. So, I walked up to him and sat beside him.

"Hi! Kat... I mean Bakugo," I said clearing my throat.

"Hm. What is it?" He asked directly.

"How are you?" I asked.

"Fantastic, all thanks to you," He replied coldly. His sarcasm pierced right through my heart. I sighed.

"Wish you were more like Shoto," I mumbled. Hoping he won't hear that.

"Go and date him then," He said as he got up and walked away. I facepalmed myself.

"I made it worse," I said cursing at myself.

"This is pathetic!" I groaned.

"What is?" Kiera asked as she sat beside me.

"I made it more worse with Katsuki!" I exclaimed.

"What did you do now, Sei?" She asked.

"I kind of told him that I wish he was more like Shoto and then he said I should go and date Shoto instead then," I confessed. Kiera slapped the back of my head. I groaned in pain.

"Woman! That hurts!" I said rubbing my head.

"It was supposed to. Why do you have to compare people?" She said.

"I swear I didn't want to say that, but he was being petty so it kind of naturally came out," I said. She slapped me there again.

"This is why you need a filter on your mouth," She scolded.

"Alright! Alright! I'm sorry, can you please not slap me for that!" I said.

"Don't say sorry to me! Apologize to him!" She scolded more.

"Are you my best friend or his!" I asked narrowing my eyes.

"Yours! And that's why it's my job to show you the right direction!" She said.

"Okay okay! I'll apologize when I get the chance," I said.

"Good," She said with a pleased expression.

"I hope you both fix things up," She said.

"Why?" I asked.

"What do you mean by why?" She asked.

"Don't you love him? He's a nice guy, a bit aggressive but very loyal," She said.

"Of course I love him. It's very rare of you to approve the guys I like, that's why I asked 'why'," I said.

"Bakugo always had my approval," She said pointing out at the obvious fact.

Our conversation paused when we both heard loud bangs from afar, it felt like someone was making their way over here in speed destroying all the trees coming in the way.

"Let me fly above and check what it is," I said as I flapped my giant wings and flew above.

What it looked like from the above was a villain attack. My eyes widened when I saw a bunch of villains making their way towards our camp.

"It's villains!" I yelled from above. Kiera got the message and she ran to inform and wake the others up.

This is going to be troublesome, most of us are very tired and this villain attack would only slow us more down.


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In Your Universe| Katsuki Bakugoحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن