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 While I was engaged in battle with Gepard, my attention was suddenly drawn towards a new adversary sneaking up behind Katsuki

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

While I was engaged in battle with Gepard, my attention was suddenly drawn towards a new adversary sneaking up behind Katsuki. As my eyes widened in alarm, I observed him gathering debris and fashioning a massive rock out of it. Although I couldn't discern the specifics of his quirk, it was undoubtedly connected to the power of the Earth element.

Reacting swiftly, I directed a potent surge of electrical energy towards Gepard, incapacitating him momentarily. With urgency coursing through my veins, I swiftly propelled myself towards Katsuki to prevent any harm from befalling him. Unbeknownst to Katsuki, the villain unleashed the formidable projectiles of rock aimed directly at him.

"Ground Zero, watch out!" I instinctively exclaimed, instinctively enveloping him protectively with my wings. The impact of the rocks striking my back and wings sent sharp waves of pain surging through my body, causing me to involuntarily scream out in agony. My vision became obscured by the formation of black dots, rendering it increasingly blurry.
Amidst the pain, I felt a warm liquid trickling down my head, signaling a devastating blow from one of the rocks.

"Are you dumb?!" I heard Katsuki shouting. With whatever remaining strength I had, I raised my head to look up at him. Only to meet his worried eyes.

"You... Are worried," I managed to murmur, straining to maintain my faltering strength as my body teetered on the brink of collapse. Fortunately, a pair of comforting arms lent support, keeping me on my feet.

"Listen! Keep your eyes open. Don't you dare close them," Katsuki commanded sternly, affectionately patting my cheeks in an effort to keep me conscious. However, this proving to be a Herculean task amidst my compromised condition.

"Call... Keigo..." were my final words before succumbing to the suffocating embrace of complete darkness.


Upon regaining consciousness, the rhythmic beeping of monitors enveloped my senses as I gradually opened my eyes. My throat and lips felt parched, emphasizing my presence within the sterile confines of a hospital room. My gaze shifted to the left, where Keigo slept peacefully in an armchair beside my bed. Positioned on the adjacent couch, Kiera and Katsuki similarly sought refuge in the realm of slumber. I couldn't help but stifle a snort at the noticeable distance separating the two, envisioning Katsuki's authoritative insistence that Kiera should sit at a distance. A sense of warmth blossomed within me, grateful that Katsuki had chosen to remain at my side in my time of need.

"How do you feel?" Keigo inquired, his presence suddenly registering as my joy over Katsuki's presence dissipated.

"I feel fine. Where's the book?" I inquired, seeking reassurance concerning the safety of a valuable possession.

"It's secure. It's currently in the possession of the number one pro hero," Keigo reassured.

"I assume Recovery Girl tended to my injuries?" I asked, receiving a confirming nod from Keigo.

"Who gave you permission to recklessly leap into danger and save him like that? There were alternative methods at your disposals," Keigo scolded, playfully flicking my forehead.

"Ouch! That hurt, Keigo!" I whimpered, massaging my afflicted forehead.

"It was intended to. If any harm had befallen you, how could I have faced your grandfather, Seiren?" he scolded, a mixture of concern and reprimand clouding his features.

"I did what I believed was right, Keigo. I'm injured, so save your scolding for a later moment," I retorted, scoffing at his persistent scrutiny. Shaking his head, his gaze lingered upon the couch, where both Kiera and Katsuki awkwardly slept.

"He was genuinely worried, you know," Keigo divulged, prompting my confusion.

"Who?" I queried, seeking clarification.

"Ground Zero, kiddo. Why must you be so dumb?" Keigo teased, prompting me to shrug nonchalantly. So, Katsuki did harbor genuine concern for me. A valuable revelation to absorb.

"That's highly unusual," I conceded, prompting Keigo to scrutinize me momentarily before redirecting his gaze towards Katsuki.

"Perhaps he harbors some affection for you," Keigo proposed. The notion struck me unexpectedly, causing a burst of laughter to erupt from my lips.

"That's truly comical," I chortled, attempting to dismiss the notion as sheer absurdity.

"No, I'm serious-"

"Shut up, you obnoxious bird! Your laughter resembles the sound of a dying horse," Katsuki groaned, abruptly awakening and rubbing his eyes.

"Cute," I inadvertently blurted, both my eyes and those of Katsuki briefly widening in astonishment. No! I did not just say that! If only I could burrow myself six feet beneath the ground at this very moment.


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In Your Universe| Katsuki Bakugoजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें