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When we reached the destination, Keigo immediately contacted the group to let them know that we are already there

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When we reached the destination, Keigo immediately contacted the group to let them know that we are already there.

"Do you want to rest, kiddo?" Keigo asked.

"No I'm fine," I said.

"Are you sure? Cause we still will have to find the Hidden city," He asked.

"I'm fine, pro hero Hawks. Don't worry too much, you'll get wrinkles and then your fangirls won't like you anymore," I teased.

"I'm forever young," He said cockily. I chuckled.

"Yeah, sure," I said rolling my eyes.

We waited for a while for all of them to come. The first, one to stop by was Katsuki's car. He, Izuku, Ochaco and Hitoshi was in one car.

"Finally!" I heard Katsuki yell as he stepped out of the car.

"Please, remind me to never go in the same car as this damn nerd!" Katsuki yelled.

"Um. Kacchan, you asked me to come with you," Izuku said chuckling nervously.

"Shut up, nerd! Your eyes were begging me to ask you to come," Katsuki said, I snorted at his reply. Their attention got diverted towards me, as I saw Katsuki's face going back to being stoic.

"So... Sorry," I stuttered averting my gaze. I couldn't stand his cold gaze. Before anyone else can say anything, Shoto's car pulled up, Kiera and Momo were with him.

"Alright! Now that everyone is here, let's get to work," Keigo said. We all grouped up and waited for his further instructions.

"We'll have to search for the Hidden city together. Splitting up won't help. So, I have this specially made compass which gives the direction towards anything with magic stored in it," Keigo said showing us the compass.

"Where did you get it from, Kei... I mean Hawks?" I asked.

"I have my sources," He said proudly.

"So, secretive," I mumbled.

"I heard that," He said. I poked my tongue out at him.

"So, as I was saying. We'll have to stick together. So, shall we get going?" He asked.

"Yes," Everyone said.

We all started to walk unaware of what we were going to face further. We were strong and we were capable of handling whatever.

"Hey!" Kiera said.

"Yo!" I said.

"You talked with him?" She asked.

"Nah! He keeps giving me cold stares, I highly doubt he would want to talk. Though, you and Shoto seem fine," I said.

"Yeah, we are. I thought we won't be, but we are fine after all," She said staring at Shoto who was walking ahead with Izuku.

"That's a relief," I said. She patted my shoulder.

"You should try talking to him again," She said. I just shrugged.

"I'll pass," I said.

"If that's what you want, then it's all fine," She said giving me a side hug.

"Yeah," I said. As I unknowingly looked towards Katsuki who was already looking at me. He averted his gaze almost immediately when he realized that I was looking at him.

I wonder if it's the right decision to not try talking to him again? I wonder if any of the decisions I made so far were right?


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In Your Universe| Katsuki BakugoOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant