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Well hello there! I'm so happy you actually came to read this random fic I decided to write out of pure boredom and passion.

I'm going to put this out there at the beginning, I don't mind you slandering the characters or OCs at all. Sometimes they may even be OOC. Just don't insult the writer themselves. I see this all the time in other fictions and I'd be lying if I said it didn't make me feel bad for them. I mean not only are they putting some of their personal time into writing content for all you lovely people but they're probably trying their best at it too. If you don't like the content then I mean don't read it. Nobody is forcing you to.

Sorry if any of that sounded mean, I just wanted to get the point across for some insecure writers out there such as myself. I really hope you understand what I'm getting at though. I really love this fandom and I love the jokes you all make, just don't be disrespectful. Also be mindful to other readers out there too.

One more thing, this story will probably start off hella slow. I like to make my chapters 1500 words or more but that doesn't mean I won't sometimes make them a few words shorter either. I can't guarantee when updates will be made as I have school work to do as well. I try my best with grammar and punctuation but if you see any mistakes at all, tell me and I'll fix them when I can.

Thank you all for understanding. If you don't want to read this anymore because you feel I rant too much or I'm annoying then that's okay. I mean thanks for checking by, it's totally understandable. I don't make a lot of Author notes either unless it's absolutely necessary.

Continue if you want and enjoy~:3

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