Chapter Twenty Seven

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3rd person POV

~ Time skip ~

It's been about a year since the incident with Ash. He was caught and arrested by the pros that had regained consciousness after the fight. Most of them needed to go to hospital though due to injuries ranging from minor to major, but all were able to walk away with their lives, they just needed to take a few months off of hero work.
Class 1A was informed of the incident as well as the details behind it, however not everything was explained as it was Izuku's private affairs. While the majority of the class didn't particularly like Izuku, they were still relieved to hear that he was ok. They won't bother trying to be his friends because of all the damage done, but they have agreed to stop giving him a hard time. Even Bakugo!
Speaking of Izuku, it took him a long time until he was able to go back to school but with frequent visits to a therapist and the support of his family and loving boyfriend, he was able to get over the trauma of his toxic ex. The nightmares took a while to disappear, but they wouldn't stay around forever.
It's been a few years now and a lot has changed.
They all graduated from UA, Izuku at the top of class, Todoroki was second and Bakugo was third and he made it known just how annoyed it made him. It took a few weeks to fix up the gym and poor Cementoss had to do most of the work by himself due to how severe the damage was.
Shinso and Ojiro have moved in together and adopted about twenty cats. Aizawa was very proud. Hizashi silently cried because he knew the struggles that Ojiro would have yet to face. 
Eri had grown up and started going to school. She made her first friend and she was so happy. HIs name was Kota. he seemed really cold and guarded, but Eri was able to see past all that and befriend him. Izuku was proud of her.
With Izuku and Todoroki, well, they got married and moved into their own house. Izuku took the title of number one hero close to the start of his hero career with Todoroki being close in the rankings at 5th. Bakugo managed to get second and was determined as ever to beat Izuku, not like he would ever let that happen. 
Izuku was cuddling on the sofa with Todoroki and was looking back on his life. Sure it started off pretty rough and got progressively worse, but everything worked out and he got everything he ever wanted. A loving family. A home of his own. An amazing partner. And, soon, they were expecting a child. No one understood what happened since it was biologically impossible, but Izuku was pregnant. It was drawn up to be part of Izuku's quirk as it was mutating since UA. 
So, sitting there on the sofa, his husband by his side and a child on the way, Izuku couldn't wish for a better life.

Thank you all for reading this terrible story. I can't believe this story reached 1K. 
I'm soooooooooooooooo sorry this took so long, it was simply a matter of writer's block and lack of motivation. I will try and do better for future stories.
Speaking of, I have three stories being written write now, but I don't know if I should publish all three and slowly update all three or one at a time. 


Anyway, I hope you read my future stories (if and when I publish them). Feel free to point out any mistake or plot holes or simply if you don't understand something.

See you in the next story.
Byee xxx

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