Chapter Twenty Three

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TW: toxic ex-boyfriend being a possessive piece of sh*t and suggestive content (the only way I could describe it because I didn't want to write it)

Izuku's POV

I felt numb.
That's the only way I could describe it.
I was numb to everything around me.
I couldn't even feel the pain. I could feel the cold of the metal wrapped around my wrists and ankles. I couldn't feel how painfully tight they were.
I could feel the fabric covering my eyes. I couldn't feel the rough fibres cutting into my skin.
I could feel the tape placed on my mouth. I couldn't feel the stinging of the little cuts underneath the tape stretching.
I couldn't hear anything either. It was either because I was alone again or because they were covered again. I could never tell the difference.
I had nothing covering me. My clothes ripped and discarded, leaving me bare. Vulnerable. Weak.
I felt so weak.
I guess little to no food and water would do that to you. When was the last time I ate? Am I hungry? What is hunger? Have I lost the warmth that food gives as well?
I wouldn't be surprised.
I don't know how long it's been since I was taken by him. I don't know if everyone is ok. I don't know anything.
I like to think that they are all ok and living a happy life without me.
I'm hoping that Eri is bigger now and is the most popular girl just because of how wonderful of a person she is.
I'm hoping that Toshi is still in a happy relationship with Ojiro and that they're doing whatever it is couples do.
I'm hoping that Dad and Papa are watching over the two of them with pride, still out there saving people.

I'm hoping that Shoto has moved on and has met his perfect significant other. I'm hoping that they are happy and that he has forgotten about me so that I am not stopping him from finding happiness.

I've given up the hope of being found. I feel like it's been too long. I am beyond saving now. There is absolutely no way that I can come out of this and be fixed.
I am broken with no chance of being fixed. I don't want to stop everyone I care for from being happy and enjoying their lives. They shouldn't be worried about me. I'll be ok. I know what awaits me and I'll greet death like an old friend rather than fearing it.

Kurogiri's POV

The day before he went to UA to capture Izuku, he burst into the bar and used his quirk to make me submit to his commands. Due to my neck brace, he had full control over me.
If I didn't listen to him, he would use his quirk to tighten the brace which resulted in my breathing being restricted so all I could do was follow his orders.
I was killing me, being unable to do anything.
I am situated in the room next to where Izuku is being held. I could hear everything, but am unable to talk to him, console him. I was unable to help prevent his mental health from getting to the point I knew it was at.
We were both inside rooms made of metal walls, however, the wall that divided us was made of glass but had metal woven in so that he could still control it.
I saw everything that was done to the poor boy. The boy that I was able to save, but was helpless to do anything this time round.
Why couldn't he have had a normal life?! He did nothing wrong so why was he being punished in this way!
With the limited use of my quirk (thanks to the material used in quirk suppressing handcuffs being filtered into the air) I've tried to lead members of the LOV to our location by opening small portals in different locations like a trail of breadcrumbs. Hopefully someone will show up soon. By my estimations, it's been

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