Chapter Twenty Six

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Warning: really bad writing and terribly vague fight scene ahead

3rd person POV

As soon as he made eye contact with Ash, Aizawa activated his quirk while tightening his hold on Izuku. The poor boy was shaking with fear as the mere sound of his voice. He hid his face in Aizawa's chest, trying his best to block himself from the nightmare that was his reality. Aizawa couldn't begin to understand just how afraid Izuku was, but he knew for damn sure that he was going to do everything in his power to get him out safely.
No matter the cost. "You've boxed yourself into a corner here, Eraserhead." Ash said as he casually leaned against the door frame. "You may as well deactivate your quirk. You're simply prolonging the inevitable. The second you blink, your quirk deactivates and I will chain you up to stop you following while I take back my rose. The warp user in the corner is unable to do anything due to having his quirk forcefully suppressed, making it weak and I'm blocking the only exit. I've already taken care of all your friends outside so you can let go of the hope of back up coming to save you. You've lost. This is the end. I get what is rightfully mine, as it should have always been. So give up and hand him over to me." Aizawa refused to believe what Ash said as the truth. He would not give up hope. The usually logical man was praying for a miracle, anything that would help save his son. His small, precious son that didn't deserve this. His son that he wished he found sooner.
His son.
His son.
His son.
One of the few people he would give his life to protect without a second thought.
He knew what he was going to do.
"D-don't h-h-hurt him." Izuku stuttered out, his voice coming out broken due to underuse. Izuku climbed out of Aizawa's hold despite the man trying his best to hold the child while staring down Ash. He turned around, coming face to face with the person he feared most and stood in between him and his dad.
(A/N: Aizawa can still keep eye contact with Ash because Izuku is a small boi)
"Y-y-you on-only w-want m-me so-so l-leave him o-out of th-this." Izuku stated, trying his best to keep himself steady.
"Izuku, wha-" Aizawa started to ask before being cut off.
"Such a naught boy, the adults were talking. You'll be punished later for speaking without permission. But, if you come here right now, I will leave him alone and perhaps lessen the punishment." Ash stated.
Before Aizawa could stop him, Izuku stepped into the corridor and walked towards Ash's side. He was willing to go back to his hell on earth in order for Aizawa to remain safe despite being told the pain he will face once he goes back. Aizawa could stop the tears from his eyes, causing him to blink. As soon as he did, a metal collar and leash was wrapped around Izuku's neck before chains were flying towards Aizawa. He tried his best to dodge them, but he started getting hit by them. He lost balance which was what caused him to get tied in chains with no way of getting out without breaking something. There was also metal covering his eyes so he wouldn't be able to deactivate Ash's quirk. "
Y-you s-s-said you wou-wouldn't h-hurt him!" Izuku attempted to shout before lunging towards Ash and trying to hit him.Key word being 'trying'.
 Ash caught Izuku's fist before it could make contact with his face. He also caught the other fist aimed for his torso. "Were you trying to hurt me?" Ash questioned, eerily calmly.
Faster than Izuku could process, he was being held against the wall behind him by his throat, the collar getting tighter and tighter. He couldn't attempt ripping it off either as Ash's hand was covering the collar so he resorted to clawing at his hand till it bled, all to stop the burning in his lungs due to lack of oxygen. Ash was saying something, but he couldn't hear him, too preoccupied with the blood rushing to his ears and spots dancing in his eyes.
All of a sudden, he was sliding down to the ground, still struggling to breathe and now feeling as if the corridor had dropped a couple of degrees. Looking up, Izuku found Shoto blasting icicles towards Ash to counter the pieces of metal being thrown his way. He was acting as a shield to Izuku. It didn't stop Ash from controlling the collar around Izuku's neck and Ash realised that if the malicious smirk was anything to go off of.
The collar started to tighten to an unbearable degree, causing Izuku to start choking which caught Shoto's attention. At that moment, all fighting stopped. Shoto became very aware of the situation. His powerlessness to help Izuku. "You should have never tried to stand against me, kid. I already bested you once back at UA. What made you think this time would be any different?" Ash mocked. "This time my determination has increased ten-fold." Shoto stated. "I am not letting you take him." What Ash didn't know was that Shoto had silently frozen the metal around Izuku's neck in order for it to be broken off. (A/N: idk if this can actually happen, I'm honestly running out of ideas for this story but I want to finish it off).
Shoto quickly sent a burst of flames towards Ash to distract him before turning and snapping the collar off of Izuku's neck, allowing him to get air down his lungs. As soon as he freed Izuku of the collar, he turned back to Ash and froze him in place from head to toe (like when Anna got frozen).
Once he was sure Ash was frozen, he knelt on the ground next to Izuku to check him for any injuries. He took off his jacket and placed it over his shoulders. Due to their size differences, Shoto's jacket was able to cover Izuku completely. Before he reached to carry Izuku, he started crying.
"Izuku? Are you hurt somewhere? What's wrong? The other heroes should be waking up soon so you'll be-" Shoto didn't have time to finish as Izuku threw himself at Shoto, sobbing on his chest.After the initial shock, Shoto calmly wrapped Izuku in his arms while stroking his hair reassuringly. "Everything is fine now. You're safe. You're free."

Ok, I will admit this was a pretty sh*t chapter, sorry. I'm running out of ideas of how to continue this story but I was planning on ending it after this event anyway so not much else could happen as it would end with Ash's defeat. I will post (maybe) one more chapter before I can officially say this story is complete. I have a loooooot of other stories planned so this will not be the last you will hear of me. Imma head out now, I am exhausted.
See you in the next (and final (maybe)) chapter!

Byee xxx

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