Chapter Thirteen

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Izuku's POV

It was the end of the day and I was laying down on one of the medical beds in the medical room. I could tell Recovery Girl was still pretty peeved about me showing up with more injuries, albeit practically healed ones, by the way she was tapping furiously on her keyboard. I felt bad.
For the keyboard that it. What did it do to deserve this treatment?
I was on my side, my arms looped around Eri who was currently sitting up and enjoying the lollipop that she was given. Her eyes were travelling around the room with wonder, every now and again asking Recovery Girl a question either about a piece of equipment or whether certain injuries shown in TV shows were real and if the way they were treated were accurate. 
Recovery Girl would giggle and answering the child, before going back to being furious.
Man, what a day. 
I was starting to doze off when I heard the door to the medical room slide open. I blinked a few times to see who came in. My eyes were met with red and white hair. 
"Todoroki?" I asked somewhat groggily, clear that I was tired. I slowly sat up, placing Eri on my lap. She was so focused on the lollipop that she didn't seem to notice Todoroki in front of her.
"Hello," he greeted in his monotone voice, making his way to the chair placed next to the bed I was currently on, "I wanted to make sure that you were ok. I overheard what happened."
"Oh." was all I could say. I looked up at him and gave him a not so genuine smile. "I'm not dead yet. Still alive and kicking."
He gave me a skeptical look.
"I'm fine. Really." My smile never wavered. Why would it? I had years of practice. Hiding behind a smile. Even when in pain, I could still smile. There was nothing else I could do.
He still said nothing. He looked down to his phone for a moment before standing back up and making his way to the door. "I'll see you tomorrow." he said, not even bothering to turn around.
The door slid shut and I felt a pang of pain in my heart.
It's how it always was.
No one really cared.
They only pretended to to ease their own guilt.
They saw what they wanted to see: a smile. 
No one has seen everything breaking down inside. 
They saw the smile and thought nothing more.

"Ready to go Izu?" Hitoshi said from the door, a small smile on his face.

There was only four people who seemed to be able to see past my smile.

"Please. I think Recovery Girl is going to start experimenting on me soon." I replied.
"Don't give me ideas, boy." Recovery Girl said from her chair.
"Let's get you out of here, guinea pig." Hitoshi said with a laugh.
"Hey! I'm not a guinea pig! If anything, I'm a bunny." I huffed proudly.
"Yeah yeah whatever, guinea pig." he said, trying to hide his laughter.
"What's a guinea pig?" Eri asked from my lap.
Precious. "I'll show you a picture when we get home." I told her.
"Ok." she said, her eyes sparkling.

But they still didn't know just how much damage laid behind the smile. 

There was a reason it was so blindingly bright.

To hide the real damage.

Whoop! Got another chapter done. 
I won't lie, I literally have no idea what I'm gonna write until I've written the beginning lol. Oh well, hope everything goes well. I have so many ideas as to where this story goes so I'm praying that it goes the way I want it to.
Sorry I couldn't make this chapter longer (*please don't hate me!*).
I need them to get past this event because drama is up ahead. Just need to get these small details done and dusted before moving to the next part. And trust me. It ain't gonna be pretty.
You have been warned.
Just finished watching 'Misfit of Demon King Academy' and it's really good! Honestly had me hooked from the first episode. The plot kept you on the edge of your seat. 
Well, it did for me anyway. 
(It's only 13 eps anyway so it's a quick watch)

Byee xxx

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