Chapter Nineteen

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Aizawa's POV

A little after Hitoshi left the room, the class returned to a state of silence. I had never thought that my class - a class for heroes - would discriminate and hate on a fellow student for no reason other than his sexuality. I was well aware that Izuku didn't have many friends in the class aside from perhaps Todoroki and Ojiro, but I had no idea to the extent to which the others disliked him. I can see that a few felt guilty of the way they treated and ignored him. It was clear to see that, regardless of my lecture or the clear effect their words had on the other students, Bakugo, Kirishima, Yaoyorozu, Uraraka, Tsuyu and Iida have not changed their opinions on the topic. I had to keep my eye on them.
Hitoshi and Ojiro came back into the class. Ojiro went back to his seat while Hitoshi came up to me.
"Izu heard everything. He went to calm Todoroki down, but I don't know where they went." he said in a whisper. 
I nodded and sent him back to his seat.
Something didn't feel right.
I sent a text to Hizashi, telling him the gist of what happened and to find the problem child. He replied saying that he would tell me if anything happened and was off.
I went back to staring down my so-called class.
This was going to be a long day.

Hizashi's POV

I hope everything is ok. I still didn't understand why Izuku would come to school after yesterday's revelations. He must be so drained, but he decided to come to school. It probably wasn't the best idea to leave him at home, especially since we knew about his unhealthy coping habits. He's been getting better, but it was careless of us to just leave him alone while he was emotionally unstable. 
I was about to turn the corner and walk towards the willow tree that me and Shota sometimes sit by when I heard voices. I stopped in my tracks. It was Izuku. And Todoroki? I listened in to hear what they were talking about and I silently gasped. He was telling Todoroki his past.
Although he never told us, we all knew that he had a crush on Todoroki and I would sometimes see in my English classes that Todoroki would be staring at Izuku as well. It was clear that they both had feelings for each other and it seemed that Izuku was making the first move by opening up to him. 
After a while, I started to hear sobbing. I peaked around the corner to see Todoroki in tears while Izuku had a small smile on his face, brushing away Todoroki's tears. They were just staring into each others eyes before Izuku looked away. It was hard to hear what they were saying, but I was able to make out Izuku's confession. If he makes Izuku cry, there is no stopping me from punching the boy, I thought. 
"I don't expect you to like someone as broken and disgusting as me," my heart stopped for a moment. That's how he sees himself? I knew that his mental health was terrible and that he fakes his smiles, but hearing just how badly he sees himself hurts more than I can describe.
What happened next made me equally happy and angry. Todoroki was kissing my son. I was furious! I was so happy for Izuku! I was so conflicted on how to feel. I sneakily took out my phone and took a picture. Some words were exchanged between the two.
The school bell rang and both boys stood up, but Izuku was pulled back into another kiss.
"Would you like to be my boyfriend?" 
My jaw hung. This was absolutely adorable, but at the same time I wanted to grab Izuku and hide him away. That was until I saw Izuku's smile. He was grinning from ear to ear. It was so genuine and innocent that I was almost blinded by the purity. If Todoroki was able to make him smile like that, then he has my blessings.
But now he had to deal with Aizawa.
I sent him the picture I took and prayed that God kept Todoroki safe.
I pity the poor boy.

Aizawa's POV

The bell had just rung, signalling the start of the first lesson. Izuku had heard everything that was said. I knew that he was dealing with a lot so what he overheared was definalty not going to help him. He still wasn't back. I was getting concerned, who wouldn't be, but when I saw the photo that Hizashi sent, my concern was thrown out the window and mama bear was unleashed.
Said boy had, at that moment walked into the classroom, hand-in-hand with my precious cinnamon roll of a son. In the blink of an eye, he was caught in my capture weapon and I was dragging him out of the classroom with Izuku chasing after us. I saw Hizashi walking calmly behind us and I could have sworn he was giggling. I dragged the boy into an empty classroom and activated my quirk, my red eyes stared deep into his soul. His facial expression had not changed once.
"Dad!" Izuku shouted, bursting into the room with Hizashi behind him. "Let him go, please?" he asked.
"No can do son," I replied, my eyes not leaving Todoroki's, "this boy has tried to claim you as his own without my blessing. I must do all I can as a father to protect you."
"Dramatic much?" Hizashi asked.
"Oh my God, please just let him go. We can talk about this after school." Izuku pleaded.
There was a tense silence wherein I thought over Izuku's suggestion. The ticking of the clock could be heard as everyone held their breath. My eyes were starting to get irritated from not blinking so I gave in. ONLY BECAUSE MY EYES WERE GETTING DRY.
"We'll continue this later." I let Todoroki go and walked out the room. Before leaving I turned around and stared him down once more. "You better be waiting at the school entrance the minute school is out."
With that said, I walked out with Hizashi, leaving Izuku and Todoroki in the room. 

By themselves. 

With neither parent present.

I abruptly turned back around and used my capture weapon to drag Izuku out to walk with us.
"Dad. Seriously?" Izuku complained.
"I am not leaving you alone with that boy unsupervised. You already kissed. There is no way I am going to give you two another opportunity to do that again."
I could hear some mumbling, but I couldn't make out what he was saying. I decided to let it slide, but I could see Hizashi trying to hold back his laughter. I'll ask him what Izuku said later. 
Right now, I had a class of disappointments to teach (excluding Hitoshi, of course).

Hey! I know that I said that I would try and get two chapters out each weekend, but I think I'm going to change that and just update when I can. Sorry, I know that that's really vague, but I just can't follow schedules to save my life. I'll be sure to update as frequently as I can. Thank you so much for reading my story!
See you in the next chapter.

Byee xxx

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