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Ey! How is your day? How is your day? How is your day? How is your day? How is your day? How is your day???



Shion: " YN-kun!"

A sound of a very familiar voice echoed throughout the hallway. I'm pretty sure I only didn't get to see her for 2 days, but it feels like we've been separated for months.

" Oohh! Shion!" I say to her with high enthusiasm.

She gave me a really tight yet comfortable hug. She planted her face into my chest as she wrapped her arms around my body. After a short pause, she raised her head up to meet my eyes.

Shion: " I'm really glad you and the others are okay! I was really worried when I wasn't able to contact Aqua and the others."

" I'm just glad that we're back! Hehehe..." I awkwardly laugh as I look at her.

Shion: " You're not hurt are you? Did you suffer from any injury?" She worriedly says while hastily checking every part of my body to find any signs of injury.

" Well... The only injury I have are these I guess..." I show her both of my swollen hands.

She eyes on both my hands very carefully. When she's done examining it, she slowly but carefully placed both of her hands on top of my own hands.

Shion: " Does it hurt when I hold them like this?" She looks at me.

" No..."

Shion: " Both look pretty swollen and red. Does it constantly give you a burning sensation?"

" It still does... Though it's not something I can't bare."

Shion: " Hold still for me, okay?" She looks at me smiling.


She closed both of her eyes, not saying a single word and displaying a single movement. Soon enough, her hand was starting to radiate the color purple. It's like the time where she used Enchant Magic to slap my living soul out of my body. But it's pretty obvious that it isn't the case in this particular moment.

Shion: " How does your hands feel now?" She lets go of both my hands.

' It... It doesn't hurt anymore...'

Inner me: ' Your hand still looks swollen though...'

Shion: " I apologize but easing your pain is the most I could do to help. As you can see, I'm not a witch that specializes on Healing Magic." She shrugs.

" No. It's more than enough. Thank you Shion!" I say as I gave her a tight hug.

Shion: " A-Anything f-for you... Y/N-kun..." I can't see the current expression she's making.

" Man I really really do miss you after all. I'm really glad that I got to see you today." I say as I continue to hug her.

Shion: " Y-You can have me all day Y/N-kun..."

Inner me: ' Idk why but that sounded so wrong...'

I let go of Shion and backed a few steps away where I can finally see the expression she's currently making. Surprisingly, she doesn't look that bothered when I suddenly gave her a tight hug without warning.

Inner me: ' Lol she looks completely unfazed. Did you expect her to be blushing or something?'

' Shut up.'

" Does Shion not have any stream scheduled today?" I look at her.

Shion: " I'm gonna stream at home today at night. I only came to the Headquarters to see how you're doing!" She smugs.

Hololive Madness! (Reader X Hololive)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें