Point of No Return

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I forgot to mention to you guys that English is not my first language so it's not easy for me to fully express the actions of this Fanfic through words in a way that is easy to understand for the readers. So I apologize if you find some confusing parts in the story that is hard to understand. Thanks!

Btw I'm planning to make the story more sexy ( if I can pull it off correctly that is.)



Hololive Headquarters

3rd Person POV

The 5th Generations are currently waiting outside the Headquarters. They are waiting for (Y/N) to arrive. Even though they're just waiting they couldn't stay quiet and patiently wait.

Polka: "Neeeeee!! Something's not right guys I'm telling you!!"

Nene: "Omarun's right guys! We've been here for 2 hours already and he's still not here!"

Both Nene and Polka are kneeling infront of Lamy while hugging both of her thighs. They're both impatiently tired of waiting but at the same time concerned for Y/N.

Lamy gives both of them a gentle headpat to calm them down. Like a mother reassuring her daughters that everything is going to be alright.

Lamy faces Botan while she is giving both her gentle headpats.

Lamy: "Hey Botan-chan, what do you think we should do?" She says to Botan with an obvious worried expression on her face.

Botan didn't answer Lamy right away. It looks like she is still thinking on what to do.

After a few seconds of pondering she opened her mouth.

Botan: " I assume Towa is with him right now. Considering she's the one who told him first to meet up here anyways. L/N-kun talked to her before us so I'm sure she already told him that he can't find the Headquarters alone." Botan says while her hand is on her chin.

Lamy: " I see... Considering that the Headquarter can only be accessed by the people who work in the Company then I assume Towa Senpai already had it planned before suggesting Y/N-san to meet up here." Lamy nods.

Botan: "Yeah I don't think Towa-senpai is that stupid to forget that only members of the Company can find the Headquarters." Botan laughs.

Lamy:"I suppose you're right. Considering Y/N-san didn't ask us for directions then he obviously already knew what's up."

Botan and Nene gave each other a satisfied nod.

Nene: " So we just have to wait for Towa-senpai to arrive?" She turned her head up.

Lamy: "It's the only thing we can do right now." Lamy smiles as she looks down at Nene.

Polka: "But he's 5 minutes late!"

Lamy: "Maybe he's having a Date with Towa-senpai right now." Lamy teases them both.

Nene and Polka looks up at Lamy with pouting faces. They didn't say anything but Lamy knows they're both giving her the "It's not funny!" glare.

Botan: "Speaking of Towa-senpai I think that's her right there." Botan points.

All 3 faces the direction Botan is pointing at. They see Towa slowly entering barrier. Excitement filled their eyes as they can finally meet Y/N face to face. They waited... Waited... Waited... But all they can see is Towa approaching them... by herself.

Nene: "Hey Towa-senpai! Over here!" Nene and the others waves at Towa.

Towa: "Hey guys! Is he here yet?" Towa waves back at them.

Hololive Madness! (Reader X Hololive)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ