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" the end of the beginning welcomes you "

Chapter 46:

The Boss Bitch and the Neurosurgeon

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There were not a lot of things that scared Annabeth but then at the same time, she seemed to always be scared. She was afraid for Tony, for Peter, for Pepper and for Rhodey that sometimes it got hard for her to remember that she, herself was a person. The day Annabeth felt scared for her own life in a long time, especially after Obie shot her will always be one of the scariest days in the life of Tony Stark.

The day had started well enough- Tony was in Malibu working on some designs while both Peter and Annabeth were in New York. May and Ben had been kind enough to let Annabeth stay in their apartment, saying something like 'the hotels in New York are horrendous and it's better if she stayed with family'.

It had been a really good day.

(Really, this probably should've been her first hint that everything was about to go to absolute shit.)

Annabeth had cooked breakfast for all of them- strawberry-flavored pancakes and then she had proceeded to drop Peter off at his school. He had hugged and kissed her cheek goodbye and the doctor had driven off with a huge smile sporting her face. She felt peaceful at such a pretty day- the sun gracing her face with soft light and some Spanish music playing softly in the background.

It had been too good of a day.

Annabeth really should have seen the signs- Carter women didn't have good days. Something has to go wrong.

"Hey, Annabeth," Stephen glared at her lightly as she smiled at him with a glint of mischief hiding in her eyes, "You didn't tell me you were coming."

She shrugged, "I didn't know I needed permission to visit my NYC BFF."

"I am not your 'whatever-that-was-you-called-me'," the neurosurgeon replied, "You are annoying."

The brunette flipped her hair before taking a seat next to him in his little break room. The Hospital was basically empty today- just a few patients here and there as the big apple reveled in the peacefulness of the day. (Bloody idiots... how do the people of New York expect a good day?)

"How long will it take you to admit you love me?" she questioned with a grin, "I know I am basically the only person in your life."

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