chapter seventeen

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Several days passed since that night I kissed her, it wasn't like I had expected it to go but the emotion was there, She had left again but she wouldn't be gone for more than a day or two.

The distance was not what I wanted and I felt the need to move on with my life but I didn't want to break her heart so I decided to leave while she wasn't here, I called Brian and explained to him that I needed to be somewhere and couldn't take Jaeda with me so he agreed to watch her until Aryll returned.

I dropped her off at Brian's house along with a few outfits with diapers and baby wipes before I left. I had my bags packed with all my clothes, I didn't know what would happen with Aryll once she realized that I had left but I couldn't be the guy she needed me to be.

I knew Hayliegh would tell her where I was once she figured it out but I needed time to think about if this was what I wanted to do with my life before things got serious between the both of us.


Three weeks passed since the day I left and she was now standing before me with tears filling up her eyes, I knew it was because of me leaving without any explanation as to why I had left them.

I watched as she slowly walked closer towards me as I placed the bottle of booze down on the counter beside me, I hadn't drank much but it was enough to make me feel light as a feather.

Aryll: why did you leave?

I thought of what to say after she whispered that softly in my ear while I held her close to me...

Carlos: I was scared of what would happen between us....

Aryll: I was worried that something bad happened to you...

Carlos: I'm sorry for leaving without saying something first but I needed time alone to think about things...

Aryll: I would never force you to stay if you don't want to...

Carlos: I know...

I gently placed my hand on her neck and placed my lips onto hers, I knew the smell of alcohol on my breath didn't help but I needed her to know that I have feelings for her and nothing was going to interfere with what I had planned.

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