chapter eleven

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After Carlos and I arrived into the city, I immediately hesitated entering the apartment building as the memory of what happened that night come flooding back to my mind and I think Carlos knew that...

Carlos: you don't have to do this right now Aryll, we can come back later.

Aryll: it needs to be done today, he deserves to know the truth...

I opened the door and stepped inside and begun searching for the apartment number that was given to me. After I reached the apartment, I knocked on the door and seen a strange man standing in front of me, I recognized him from the picture he used while we talked online a few days ago.

Fero: may I help you?

Aryll: we spoke online a few days ago and you were kind enough to help me out.

I waited for him to say something but instead his eyes wandered onto my belly that was now showing signs of my pregnancy.

Fero: I don't recall having a conversation with you miss...

Aryll: is Trevor here, he is why I come here to begin with...

Fero: I remember now, I am afraid that he isn't here right now but come back later and he will be home.

Carlos: we will come back later, let's go Aryll...

I walked away with Carlos and headed back to the hotel, I had thought about what would happened when I seen him or what would be said, with each passing thought that crossed my mind the more worried I had become.

Two hours passed since I met with Fero at the apartment, I had slowly walked up to the apartment when I bumped into him.

Trevor: what are you doing here?

Aryll: I came to see you actually, I was hoping we could talk...

Trevor: I don't know how you found me but you shouldn't have come.

Fero: she found you because I helped her.

Trevor: why would you do that?

Fero: because she's carrying your child and you help her.

Trevor: you're both delusional, how do I know that the child is mine and not yours Carlos?

Aryll: because Carlos was thousands of miles away from me at that time I conceived which was the same time I was with you that exact night three months ago...

Trevor: I don't believe you.

Aryll: I wouldn't be here if it wasn't true.

can you feel my heart?Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin