chapter sixteen

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I finally returned home after spending three weeks in Australia, I didn't let Carlos know that I was back and was surprised when I walked through the door, he had fallen asleep with Jae sleeping on his chest, I got a quick picture of them before I put my clothes away.

I tried to stay quiet while I made dinner but the smoke alarm woke him up, he put Jaeda in the crib so she could sleep.

Carlos: when did you get back?

Aryll: an hour ago, I was going to let you sleep.

I gently placed the baking tray in the oven and closed the door.

Aryll: so did you two have fun while I was gone?

Carlos: oh yeah, we went to the theatre and dinner last night, yesterday we went shopping and she got to go to work with me. The guys love having her at the office.

Aryll: sounds like you two had fun.

Carlos: we did...

Aryll: your sister told me something about you that I wasn't aware of.

Carlos: which is...?

Aryll: that you didn't get another job that day you left and had mentioned Trevor take the job. Why didn't you tell me the truth?

Carlos: because I seen how scared you were when that guy broke into your old apartment and I didn't want you thinking about that day when you seen me every day.

Aryll: I was scared but I know that wasn't your fault for it happening, he was stalking me before you got the job.

Carlos: If I knew Trevor was going to make a move on you, I would have never mentioned him for the job.

Aryll: I can't be mad at him for what we did, He gave me Jaeda and everyone loves her including you.

Carlos: she has me wrapped around her finger.

Aryll: I think she loves you too...

Carlos: she's like a daughter to me and I love her like she's mine...

Aryll: I'm glad you are here.

Carlos: I'm not going anywhere.

I was hesitant about asking how he felt about me but he answered my question, it was like he knew what I was thinking as he quickly placed his lips onto mine, the only thing I knew to do was wrap my arms around his neck which is what I did but the moment we shared ended just as quickly as it started because it was interrupted by Jae crying after waking up from her nap.

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