
Leanna again placed the crown properly, wondering if she too will have the same dilemma in front of all the guests. Now that would be truly embarrassing.

"So, all of them, are right here!" She gently touched Harry's chest. "Inside me and inside you. The sparkle you see is the spirit of our beautiful nation Carnelia. And it is immortal. It will always be there for us as long as we are there for her! Do you understand Harry? Carnelia is family."

Leanna could see the wheels turning in his mind. He never accepted anything just like that, and that made her real proud of him. Finally, his eyes sparkled and he nodded his head. "Yes...That makes sense. I have seen the portraits and read the books! You must be right!"

This time the crown didn't fall.

Leanna smiled.

The huge gilded doors opened at last. The excited chatter coming to a halt as all the guests turned to look at the beautiful new queen and the prince. But Leanna kept  looking straight forward, towards the altar. And she hoped Harry behind her did so too. It was vital that they both showed solidarity and fearlessness in this time of apprehension and fear.

Taking a deep breath, she started walking just as the choir started singing. Leanna made sure her pace was perfect, her posture straight, and her gait like a prowling lioness's. She couldn't turn and look back at Harry, but she could very well hear the clap of his boots. In complete synchronicity with her own. Their each step crackling like thunder through the grand coronation room.

And that's when she realized, the steps were not of her and Harry's alone. But of all her ancestors who had walked this path before them. Right down to her mother and father. Her each step resonated with Carnelia's past.

Finally she reached the raised dais overlooking the grand veranda. Her Uncle was standing there at the front, a look of immense pride on his face for his nephew and especially his niece. Leanna was confused. Why was he not sad? The last coronation this hall had witnessed had been of High omega Lehya's. His sister's. Didn't uncle Harley miss her?

The rays of the sun started to fall over the edge of the dais as she kneeled down at the altar. She could feel Harry go and stand next to Uncle Harley at the side. She could feel the pressure of the hundred's gaze aimed at her back.

She could feel the soul of Carnelia whispering in her blood, as she knelt. She could feel the dawn of a new era. An era of big change for not just Carnelia, but also Alamain.

The priest started to chant the prayers. It was time.

Leanna listened to the words intently. The coronation prayers were usually made up of two parts. The first part was more or less the same across all nations. But the second part was specially chosen based on the ruler and time.

"By the wishes of the Ancient Gods,

With the blessings of this ancient land,

May you lead your people wise and true,

and cherish and honor Carnelia and all that she from you demands!

May your powers shine like the very sun as you face your enemies in war and peace, but may you only raise your sword, when it's an absolute necessity. Under the watchful gaze of the sun god Sol, I now pronounce you, Leanna Styles, the High Alpha Queen of Carnelia!"

And just as the first rays of the sun touched her, the grand halo crown was placed over her head The big carnelian stone shining at its center. Leanna slowly stood up and turned to face the crowd. The  crown didn't slip even a bit. Her land and her ancestors made sure of it as power surged through her veins.

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