21. FALL

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"So, I'll walk through this night, stumbling blindly toward the the light 

And do the next right thing." 


Raveria, Carnelia

POV: Harry

... Zayn rubbed is back gently. "Who does?"


Harry jerked back from Zayn's arms and swiftly drew out his sword. His body taunt with misgivings.

Standing at the door was huge shadow with glittering red eyes. As he watched, the shadow stepped into the circle of Zayn's torch and Harry felt his heart stop beating.

His over six-foot three stature was covered in layers of toned muscle. His dark hair matted and falling till his shoulder. But what truly made Harry take a step back was his heinous grin and his empty eyes. This was a man with no soul.

"Good evening your majesty!" His booming harsh voice formed goosebumps too erupt across Harry's skin. "I see you have found the special gift we left for you!"

"High king Rannegon!" Zayn whispered beside him as he looked up at the mountain of a man. "High King of High Garium.... That explains all the height."

Harry stared at Zayn incredulously. Was Zayn high at the moment? The omega was sharp tongued, but taunting the scary guy about to capture them was generally not a good idea.

The red eyes also shifted to Zayn. "I am afraid you have got that one wrong, sweetheart. I am Ryker. My brother Rannegon is too busy to play with rats like you. But don't worry," He looked back at Harry with a sick grin and licked his lips. "You will be sent to him soon enough. And this time, no one is going to interrupt us from having what was meant to be ours from the beginning!"

Harry was shaking with both fear and rage. But he couldn't afford to let his emotions cloud his decisions right now.

"What do you mean! And this letter... WHY DO YOU HAVE THIS LETTER?!?" He let go of the torn bits of paper. They cascaded down like dead snow.

Harry was desperate for answers. For confirmation. It was crystal clear as to what the letter had been implying. But the fact this was written to Rannegon changed everything. "What have you done?" His voice broke.

"Oh sweet Harry, don't act so innocent and naïve! This is just politics after all, which I hear is right up your alley! You are a royal Omega by birth. Any child borne by you will not only have an undeniable claim to Carnelia, but also be of immense strength and power."

"But you have already taken Carnelia by force!" Zayn insisted. "And are clearly planning on taking up the entire continent next! Why on Earth do you need Harry to lay claim on Carnelia when you are already in control?"

Harry's mouth had gone completely dry. He knew why, but he did not want to say the words. A few secrets should remain secrets.

The king's brother's mouth morphed into a twisted smile "Ah...I see no one has told you, commoner, but we have all the time in the world now. So let me tell you a sweet little story..."

"Years ago, when Alamain was young, the old Gods selected eighteen alphas to lead the people and take care of the lands. Because of the tremendous responsibility set upon their shoulders, the gods decided to give them a gift. A part of the life force of the very land they ruled over infused with the life force of the ruling alpha. That very life force is what you get a glimpse of, when you look into our eye or hair. By joining the life force of the land with the rulers, the Gods gave absolute power to the ruler in his or her own lands. But by doing so, they also created one big problem..." He paused for a bit before continuing.

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