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POV: Louis

The white marble palace at Lysandra was dazzling like the snow. Lanterns and lamps lighting up each window and awning. The city itself was buzzing with joy and happiness on the occasion of the royal wedding. It was going to be a massive event since both the alpha and the omega were royalties. 

But above all, both were heroes.

Generally, alpha kings wedded omegas from their own kingdom. Royal born omegas were rare to come by. And for Louis, Harry was the rarest gem of them all.

After leaving Vaishali, almost three months ago, all the rulers had their work cut out for them.

With the fall of the High Garium empire, the original nine southern kingdoms gained back their independence. But they no longer had a ruler because of the absolute slaughter of the original blood lines by the High Gariums. The land itself was unharmed since the Styles dynasty continued to live. But most of the rulers agreed that it would be best if somehow, new rulers of the land emerged.

And it was a possibility. The Gods worked in strange ways. Though for the time being, each northern kingdom had sent some of their most trusted generals south to maintain peace. But they kept their eyes open for any signs of land-soul magic emerging.

With Alamain stabilized and with everything going back to normal, Louis felt it was time. And he was going to do it properly this time. First Louis insisted on burning up the first marriage accord, which had been signed almost a year back without Harry's consent. Then he had drawn up a new one after proposing to Harry.

They had been visiting the young high queen in Mashask when Louis had taken him to the famous rose gardens and popped the question of marriage.

"About damn time!" Harry had grinned before jumping into Louis' open arms! Carefully of course.

Breaking the news about the marriage, as well as about the baby, to Harry's family had been ...interesting.  

Louis was impressed by the sheer number of ways lord Harley had promised to kill him if he ever hurt Harry. The one with the horse shoe and cheese was his favorite. Leanna only threatened him a teeny-tiny bit, but that was less effective since she kept bursting into happy tears right along with Harry. It was clear that both alphas of Carnelia were head over heels for Harry. Well, Louis was no different.

Zayn got the raise.

Besides just being the advisor, he was now a strategist too. Louis wanted to give him the post of general, especially since Liam was now busy in the south, but Zayn had too refuse... politely.

A general needed to lead an army amidst battles, a feat which was not something could do easily. But the problem was soon resolved as Niall accepted the post readily. But he had it coming. He was a very skilled warrior with an extremely good sense of coordination. Also, Zayn had kinda hogged Harry all for himself, making Niall a bit lonely and upset. But he soon found a friend in Louis too. Although, Harry did reassure Niall that he was the only 'sweet-apple-pudding' in his life with an innocent smile.

Niall had given Valium a day to remember by when he had chased the royal omega all across the castle with a frying pan in his hand, screaming bloody murder. The bond they shared was indeed a strong one envied by many.

Solaris, Harry's apple addict mare, had been showered with presents, mostly apples, by both himself and Harry. Louis was eternally thankful to her for being such a loyal and thoughtful horse. She had played a huge part in saving both Harry's and their child's life. The horse would never go without apples under Louis's roof...as long as it didn't harm her health.

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